Chapter 5 ~ Perfect

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This music video is so cute... I had to add it in.

If you get the chance to watch it please do! It's soo good and the person who made it is awesome! Enjoy! ~



Was all that I could hear.

It continued until it was followed by a smaller, and higher pitched cry.

The dark was then filled with a bright flash of white. It started to focus on a room. Filled with machines and people wearing white uniforms surrounding a bed.

I walked up to them, and when I did, they cleared a path so I could see what they were looking at.

A woman, laying down with a bundle of blankets in her arms. She looked up at me then back down at her arms.

"You want to hold her?" The woman, that I made out to be Aphmau, said.

Without even thinking, or having any control of my body. I nodded.

I leaned down to her, she lifted the pile of blankets towards me. Once I had them in my arms I looked down and saw a small face look up at me.

It was hard to make out all the features, but I knew... Just by the outline.

It was a baby.

Mine.. And Aphmau's baby.


I woke up, to the sun quickly hitting my face.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" I heard the cheery voice of my fiancé say. "You know, it's almost 12... And I thought I was the one who sleeps in late!"

She starts to walk to the bathroom. "By the way... You were smiling in your sleep... What was your dream about?" A sly smile appeared on her face.

I didn't want to tell her... Even though I should, just... not yet.

I smirked, as an idea popped into my head.

"You really want to know?" I said.

Taking note of the smirk I had, she came a little closer. "Yes..."

"It was about you.... And your... Perfect smile. Your perfect eyes... And your..." I paused for a moment, looking her up and down. I noticed her face getting redder, so I took advantage. "And your.. Perfect... body..."

Her face was red as a rose now. I could almost feel the heat coming off her.

I then saw Aphmau's wolf ears and tail pop out. That usually happens when she flustered or excited.

"Aaron!" She stepped away from the bed, attempting to cover her face.

"Hahaha! Aph! Come here..." I got up from the bed and walk over to her. I lightly grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her face. She quickly looked away as I did.

"Hey, you wanted to know!" I laughed. And she looked up at me with her pouty-cat-face.

"Well, yeah...But, you didn't have to give all of those details! You could've just said it was about me!" She looked away again.

"Well, where's the fun in that? Seeing you flustered always makes my day." I still had her hand in mine, and I pulled her closer.

She didn't fight. She eventually relaxed into my grasp.

"I really hate you sometimes..." I felt her smile against my chest.

"Hehe... I know.."

She pulled away. And continued getting ready for the day.

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