Chapter 16 ~ Her News

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After that incident, Aaron has been even more protective. If it's even possible...

He's been staying home more often, which isn't a bad thing, but I just want him to know that when he's not home, I'm fine. I just go to Katelyns' place. But I know he still worries.

I'm now 14 weeks and it literally feels like I'm carrying a bowling ball. According to some doctors (and Google) I'm just getting out of my first trimester, and it's the start of when I can't really do things I normally can do.

"Don't worry, I'll be at Katelyn and K— Nana's place. I'll be okay." I say to Aaron.

"Alright. Alright. If you need anything just call and I'll get it!" He says, and he kisses my forehead and walks out the door for work.

I pack up my things to go to Katelyns' and walk out the door, into the outdoors. I make my way to their door and knock.

Nana then answers the door, happy to see me.

"Aphmau! You're here!!" She embraces me, careful of my bowling ball of a belly.

"Hey! Thanks for letting me come over... Again.." I laugh, nervously at the end.

"Oh it's no problem! I'm kinda glad you did though... I need your help..." Nana said and gestures me to come in. I follow her gesture and go inside as she closes the door behind me.

"What is it?" I ask, looking around.

"It's Katelyn. She's been acting weird lately... She hasn't been coming out of her room like she normally does." She explains.

"Hmm... I'll go talk to her." I say and head upstairs. And Nana follows.

I knock on her door and wait for a response. I hear some shuffling, then soon after, it opens.

"Oh, hey. I thought I heard you. What's up?" Katelyn says. She talks, and looks like she hasn't slept for days.

"Yeah, just came over to hang out with you guys! So... Nana told me something was wrong? Can you tell me?" I say, still standing in the doorway.

"Umm... Well..." She pauses. "I just am not feeling well. It'll be over soon..!" I see Nana shake her head out of the corner of my eye. We knew that's that not real reason she's like this.

"Katelyn..." We say. And I cross my arms.

She sighs. "I'll tell you.. But you can't judge me, okay?"

"Of course not... How bad can it be?"


"YOU'RE WHAT?!?!" Nana and I scream.

"Shh! Shh! I'm not completely sure though.." She hushes is from anymore screaming.

"Katelyn! How come you didn't tell us sooner!?" I said, in a lower tone.

"Well... It just kinda... Happened.. We didn't know what we were doing, we just... Did it." Katelyn shrugged.

"So you and Travis did it while I was gone...? Aww man I wish I would've known!" Nana laughed.

"Kaw— Nana!!" Katelyn's face flashed red.

"Hahaha! I'm just kidding.. I'm sorry!" We laughed. Then we started to catch our breath.

"On a serious note... If you find out you are... Pregnant... Tell me. I'll help the best I can!" I tell her. She gives me a soft smile.

"Me too!" Nana says.

"Thanks girls..."


I walk down the sidewalk towards my house, and before I walk into the house I see Aaron's car pull up.

I look at him as he opens the door and gets out. He closes it and leans on the side. And returns the glare at me, as I'm getting ready to open the house door.

He then, smiles, and I smile back at him.


Hey guys! Sorry for the unexpected break. I just needed a break. But the story will continue. Just so you know, the next chapter will have a big time skip, just to hurry things up and get to the juicy parts!😜

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