Chapter 12 ~ It's Time

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Today's the day.

Today's the day I'm going to tell him the news that will change us forever.

Not that I can hide it from him for any longer... The bump is, ever-so-slightly, starting to show itself now.

I pull my shirt down, and head downstairs.

I make it halfway down the stairs and I see him pacing, looking for something to do. And he also has his ears out. Which, is not a norm for him, but I won't complain. They make him look cute, and vicious at the same time.

Before I make it all the way down, I pull out my ears, so he doesn't feel obligated to put his away.

He has his back to me at this point, and kneeling down to pet the dogs. I walk up behind him and call out his name.

He quickly turns around and smiles at me.

Aaron has been on edge about what we going out about 2 weeks ago. And he still hasn't put his guard down. That's probably why he was pacing.

"Hey babe... Do you want anything to eat?" Gestures over to the kitchen and I shake my head.

"No, but... I-I need to tell you something." I say. He nods and follows me over to the couch.

He probably already has an idea of what I'm about to tell him. He knows we.... Did it, and he told me he would love me no matter what.

"So... You probably know what I'm about t-to tell you.... B-But..." I stutter. Oh Irene..! Why is this so hard to say?!

He leans his head to side, in confusion, one of his ears leans, slightly, down with him and the other stands slightly straighter up.

Oh wow that's cute.

Ah! Aphmau get back on track!

I take a deep breath and continue.

"Aaron..." I say, and he sits up, waiting for me to keep going. "I'm... I'm... I'm pregnant."

His eyes immediately go wide.

Oh no.. Is he mad?!

His expression goes from shocked, quickly, to a smirk.

"Oh, so that's why your stomach's getting bigger... I thought you've been eating too many cookies recently."

"A-Aaron!!" I shove him back a little, and I feel my face getting hot.

I look back up at him and his gaze goes to my stomach, where my hand is covering.

"How long have you known?" He asks.

I hesitate. "It's been about a month since I've started to feel some pain... But, not until the beginning of this month since I've found out. So it's been about two months... Aaron, I'm so sorry I haven't told you earlier. We've been busy with a lot of things, and I just wanted to make sure I was actually pregnant before telling you.. And it's been long since then.." I sigh.

He nods. Then he looks up at me.

"C-Can I...?" He gestures to my stomach. I nod and lean against the arm of the couch.

He grazes my clothed stomach. Then places his hand there for a few moments. He looks up at me, then my wolf ears. He then twitches his.

"You know... It'll probably be a werewolf." He smiles, looking back down at my stomach.

I giggle. "I know..." I place my hand down on his. As soon as I do, he looks up at me.

His happy expression quickly goes to a sad one.

"Aaron?" I sit up as he takes his hand off my stomach.

"If... It's a boy, then he will have a higher chance of being an ultima.."

I don't say anything. And let him continue.

"And if it does turn out to be an ultima, I don't want it to go through the same thing I went through as a child.." He sighs.

"Aaron... We won't do that to him... We'll teach him how to control it.." I reassure. And he smiles.

"But.. Girls also has the slightest chance at being one too. If I had to guess, probably about a 5 percent chance. And boys... Up to 95 percent." Aaron says.

I look at him, and he is currently lost in thought.

Maybe he doesn't want this?

Did I make a mistake by telling him?

He must've noticed my expression, as he turns towards me and puts his hands on my shoulders, which cause me to lean back down on the arm of the couch.

"Aphmau.. I love you.. And I... Already love our child too." He smiles, "But I'm just scared that it will turn out like me." He lets go of my shoulders, and places his hands by my sides.

I slowly bring my arms up to wrap around his neck.

"Maybe the child will turn out to be you..." He looks at me. "They'll laugh like you... Talk like you... Maybe even look like you." His worried expression goes to a happy one. "And if it is an ultima, then we will do whatever it takes to teach it how to control itself..."

He sighs, and laughs. "What would I do without you..." He lays down next to me and grazes my stomach with his thumb.

We lay there for a few minutes, as he rubs my stomach. He looks up at me, we lock eyes before he leans in and kisses me. He puts his full hand on my stomach as we do so. He pulls away and wraps me in a loose hug.

"I love you Aphmau..."

I smile.

"I love you too."

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