Chapter 14 ~ Confessions

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"Aph, you know we can wait... I wouldn't mind." Aaron's voice rings through my mind as I think.

"I know, but, that'll be a long wait." I respond.

"And we can wait. For as long as you need to. Because..." He walks towards and and grabs my hand with the engagement ring on it. "You are already mine... And no one can take that from me."

I look up at him and smile. And he rubs his thumb across the top of my fingers, occasionally grazing the ring.


Aaron and I walk up to Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan's steps to the house, then knock on the door

I hear some shuffling from the other side, then the door opens.

"Oh, hey Aphmau.. Aaron! What's up?" Katelyn says.

"Nothing much.. Are you okay?" I ask, as I question what all the noise was.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything is fine." She says while she leans on the door frame.

"Ok... Is Kawaii~Chan home?" I ask, scanning behind her into the house. Next thing I see, is not Kawaii~Chan, but Travis.

"Nope. I think she's spending the day with Zane." She leans off the door frame and motions for Travis to leave the room.

"Ah, Okay... Um.." I look behind Katelyn as I see Travis scrambling for some place to go. "Did you.. Tell him already?"

"Yeah... He... Congratulated you guys." She smiled, but it quickly faded as Travis knocked something over in the kitchen.

"Oops... Sorry!" I hear Travis say.

"Oh my Irene, Travis. What are you doing?!" Katelyn yelled.

"Sorry! I'm just gonna try and cook something!"

"We'll stop breaking things!" She sighed and looked back towards us. "Is there anything else you guys needed?"

"Nah, We're just gonna tell everyone ourselves, because they need to find out sooner or later..." I said, and Aaron wrapped an arm around me.

"Oh, okay. Just tell me if you need help and I'll come as soon as I can!" She said, we thanked her and walked towards Zane and Garroth's house.

"Well, at least now we can tell three people at once.." Aaron says, trying to calm me.

"Yeah... Hopefully it will work out.." I say and think of all the possible outcomes of telling everyone about me being pregnant... Which I probably shouldn't do. It just makes me nervous thinking of what might happen..

"Aph, they aren't gonna do anything... They're your friends. What harm could they do?" Aaron says, as we reach their house.

We knock on the door, and almost immediately Garroth answers.

"Hey guys!" His werewolf ears jump up, in excitement, as he sees us.

"Hey Garroth..! Is Zane and Kawaii~Chan here?" I ask. He thinks, then nods his head.

"Yeah, their upstairs. Why?"

"We need to tell you all something..." I say, he nods and welcomes us in. We head to the couch as he goes up to get them. This gives me time to breath.

"Aphmau.. Nothing's gonna happen. It's going to be fine." He reassures and rubs my back.

"Here they are!" Garroth cheers and heads to the couch and sits with us, waiting for us to talk.

"Thanks Garroth." I say to him, as we sat in silence for a moment. "So.. We have something to tell you all..." I grab onto Aaron's hand and he nods at me.

I take a deep breath and look at them, they all have a concerned look on their faces.

"Um... Well... I don't know any another way to say this.. But uh... I'm pregnant!" I smile, nervously. And they all have shocked expressions.

I look over at Kawaii~Chan and see her eyes start to sparkle. Then, a loud squeal escapes her mouth.

"Oh my gosh! AphmauandAaronarehavingababytogether?!?!???!! AHHHH!!! Congratulations!!!!" She quickly jumps up, off the couch and starts running for me. But before she runs any further, Zane grabbed her.

"Easy Na— Uh... Kawaii~Chan." Zane stutters. And Kawaii~Chan sighed.

"I guess I have a confession to make too..." Zane let's go of her, she turns back towards Zane and he nods.

"Umm... Kawaii~Chan?" Garroth, Aaron and I look at her confused.

"Don't get me wrong... I'm sooo happy for you two.." She looks and me and Aaron. "But I, too, have a confession to make..." She sits back down with Zane and breaths. "My real name isn't 'Kawaii~Chan'... It's.. 'Nana'.."

"N-Nana? Why did you change your name?" Garroth asks.

"I just... Wanted to stand out... To be different from my brothers and sisters.. I don't know." She shrugs and looks up at us.

Without thinking, I get up and go hug her.

"Don't worry... Nana... We don't think of you any differently." I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Okay! Enough of this small talk... I wanna know about the baby!" Her expression turns to happy very quickly.

I hear Aaron laugh from behind me and I roll my eyes.

"Well.. What do you want to know...?" I ask her, and I go sit next to Aaron.

"Everything!!" She jumps up in her seat, next to Zane, as her eyes sparkle with excitement.

I, immediately, feel my face get hot. And I try to cover my embarrassment from what I think she means.

"So what are your names you have planned?!" She squealed. And I uncovered my hands from my face.

I smile and look up at Aaron.

We then answer some of Kawaii— I mean... Nana's (ridiculous) questions. Though, I'm glad she acts the same as 'Kawaii~Chan' did.

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