Chapter 4 ~ Reality

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Things have been kinda awkward around Aphmau and Aaron lately. But they don't think of each other any differently. It's been a week since that happened

Besides... They have more important things to think of.

And something that Aphmau is really excited to plan...

"The wedding!!!" Kawaii~Chan squeals. "We have to help you plan Aphmau, please!!"

"Don't worry Kawaii~Chan, you will get to help." Aphmau smiles, adjusting herself on the floor. Along with Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, Lucinda and Kim.

She invited the girls over to discuss wedding plans. Which, they were overly-excited about.

All of them were currently on the floor, sitting, and Kawaii~Chan got out a piece of poster paper to draw out the outline of the place. Even though Aphmau could just rent a place out to have it...

But no one told Kawaii~Chan that.

"Ok, so the arch will go here..." Kawaii~Chan said. And started to draw a up-side-down 'U' shape with some flowers on it.

"Oh! And we'll hang the decorations up in the trees!" Lucinda pitched in.

Aphmau just laughed and let them do their thing. But, little did they know, she already had the image of how it's going to look.


"Boom! This is the wedding!!" Kawaii~Chan said, and shoved the paper in Aphmau's face.

"Ah! Okay! That looks good! I like it!" Aphmau pushed the paper out of her face. "Thanks for helping me with this, girls."

"No problem! We had fun!" Lucinda said.

"We better see these ideas at the wedding. Or we are going to have some problems." Katelyn smiled. Obviously joking.

"And don't forget the food and drink stand! That's the most important thing that has to be there!" Kim said.

"Definitely." Aphmau said her goodbyes for the night and went to the couch.

She sat down and was immediately jumped on by Celestia and Alexander.

"Ah! Hey guys.." She takes a few licks to the face. Which trigger her ears and tail to pop out.

"I know... I haven't paid attention to you all day! I'll make it up I promise!" She continued petting the dogs, as Aaron walked in the house.

"Umm... Aph?" Aaron chuckles

"Hey Aaro—how was yo— day?" Aphmau attempted to say, but was quite hard with the dogs attacking her face.

"It was.. Okay.." Aaron then got an idea.

He gasps. "Aphmau! Are you cheating on me?!" He says jokingly.

"Oh, yeah. I love Celestia and Alexander waayyy more." She laughed. Along with a few barks from the dogs.

He made his way to the couch and sat next to her. Alexander immediately jumps to his lap.

"No! Aaron you stole my man!" Aphmau said, still getting kisses from Celestia.

They both laugh for awhile and play along with one another. Until Aaron tackles Aphmau to the couch and tickles her, which causes even more laughs to emit from them.

"HAHAHA, Aaron! HAHAHA!! Stop!" She continues laughing until he, unexpectedly, stops.

They just stare at each other for minutes. Then Aaron leans down towards her, and she meets him halfway with a long-lasting kiss.

They pull away and Aaron speaks.

"Have I ever told you how much I loved you?"

Aphmau smiles and thinks.

"Hmm... Many times, I believe." She giggles. Aaron lays down beside her and wraps his arm around her. They both watch as their dogs play and bark at each other.

Aphmau just lay there, thinking about the beautiful wedding they would have, and what would be in store for them in the future.

Aaeon lays there, thinking about how the future will play out.

Would they be in the same position watching little versions of them running around?

Or would they just have more dogs?

Who knows... But,they both enjoy thinking about what the future hold for them.

And a world without meeting each other?

No, we don't need to get into that, because...

This is reality.

This is real.

And you can't change anything that happened in the past.

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