Chapter 7 ~ Signs

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3rd Person POV

It's been 2 weeks since the incident happened, but nothing happened after that. Although, Aaron made sure to lock every door and window in the house at nighttime and when they're out-and-about.

It's about 8 in the morning. Aphmau slowly opens her eyes to be greeted by the sunlight peeking through the curtains. She moved her arm down and felt Aaron's arm around her torso.

She smiles to herself and slowly tried to move his arm off her so she could get up.

After succeeding to remove his arm away, she felt a... Movement around her stomach. She brushed the feeling away when she thought it was just the food she ate yesterday...

She held her stomach and turned toward Aaron, who was still asleep.

All the sudden, a sharp pain runs through Aphmau's stomach. The pain was so strong and so sudden she yelps and falls back, her back meeting the floor.

Aaron's eyes bolted open and went to the source of the loud thud. Once his eyes glared over the side of the bed, he saw Aphmau sitting up and holding her stomach.

He quickly jumped off the bed and went to her aid.

"Aphmau! What happened?!" He grabbed her and set her on the bed.

"I-I don't know! I just... Started hurting..." Aphmau says, still holding her stomach.

"You fell off the bed! Are you hurt..?" He continues to question her, and Aphmau grabs his shoulder.

"N-No... I'm fine! I, honestly forgot I fell off.. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's fine... I'm just glad you're okay."

Aphmau smiles and the pain starts to go away.

And at that point, she knew what she had to do.


"Hey Aaron...?" Aphmau said to Aaron, who was playing with the dogs on the floor while she watched.

"Yeah?" He said as he let the dogs jump all over him.

"I'm hungry...." She said, and she dramatically plopped onto the couch.

Aaron chuckled. "We have some food in the cabinets. I can heat you up something... We literally just ate lunch!"

"I know... But I'm in the mood for chocolate! But we don't have any.." Aphmau sighed.

"Alright... If I go get you some will you stop complaining." He said, smiling.

"MmmHmmm..." Aphmau hummed. And Aaron got up and brushed the dog fur off him. Then he made his way to get his wallet and keys.

"Okay, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!" He said to Aphmau as he walked out.

"Yeah... Yeah..." She smiles, and the dogs jump up on her. "Ah! Okay guys. I'll play with you in a minute. Mommy has to do something real quick." Aphmau says to the dogs. And as soon as she said that, the dogs got of her and she made her way upstairs.

She walked into her bathroom and shut the door. She opens the cabinet door, under the sink, and pulls out the two pregnancy tests that have been waiting under the sink for days. She unpacked them and grabs one of the two and sighs.

"Okay... Okay... I can do this... It's not that hard.." She takes a good look at the test in her hands and sighs again. "Maybe I should call Katelyn first..." She reaches for her phone, but stops halfway there.

"No, I have to do this on my own." She doesn't rethink her choice, she just does what has to be done.


She stands by the sink, waiting for the result to appear. She taps her finger, nervously, on the counter. She reaches for the box it came in and read the directions over and over again to make sure what the lines mean.

After awhile, faded lines start to show.

Two lines.

Aphmau's eyes widen.

She grabs the box and looks over it again.

One line - Negative (Not Pregnant)
Two lines - Positive (Pregnant)

Tears start to form at the corner of her eyes.

She quickly grabs the second test and takes it.

Two lines.


She puts both of the tests down, and backs against the wall with her hands covering her mouth.

She was excited, but at the same time she was scared. She didn't know what to think.

Then, she starts crying.

Tears of joy, perhaps?

She stops soon after she hears the front door open. She fixes her makeup and throws the tests away, throwing some toilet paper on top of them so they aren't noticeable.

'I'll tell Aaron when I'm ready.' She thought, and went downstairs to greet him.

"I got you your chocolate!" Aaron said as soon as he saw her walk down.

"Yay!" She ran over the the bag he had, but before she reached it, he held the bag in the air where she couldn't reach.


"Hey! That's my chocolate!" Aphmau said and she started jumping up trying to grab it from him.

"Where's my 'thank you'?" She smirked as he watched his fiancé trying to grab the bag that was just a few feet above her.

"Ugh... Aaron...!" She groaned.

He laughed and turned around and put it on top of the refrigerator.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Aphmau jumped up and tried to latch on the the top of the fridge. But she just wasn't tall enough...

Aaron leans against the fridge, watching her struggle.

"You know... A simple 'thank you, Aaron!' would probably help your situation..." He said.

Aphmau sighs. "Fine..." she pauses "Thank you Aaron." Then he smiles.

He reaches up for the bag and hands it to her.

"YASS!" She says, as she runs to the couch with it. Aaron smiles and shakes his head, then walks to the couch with her.

He sits right next to her and turns on the TV.

Aphmau looks up at him. His face getting lit up my the lights on the television.

She can't help but to blush as she thinks of the discovery she just made upstairs.

'I'm going to be starting a family... With Aaron...' She thinks as she takes another bite of her king sized chocolate bar.

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