Chapter 3 ~ What Did I Do?

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Aphmau wakes up, groggily, and sits up. She rubs her eyes and observes the room that she's in. She recognized it as her room.

"Ugh... What happened...?" Aphmau holds her head, that's currently pounding. She feels her ears are out and she tries to smooth them back down. At the same time she notices that Aaron isn't in the room. She gets up out of the bed. Now that she has a good view of the room, she looks around one more time, in hopes she finds Aaron.

Still, no one else but her in that room.

She shrugs, maybe he's just downstairs. She goes to the bathroom and takes a shower.


Aphmau follows her regular routine in the morning. Then heads downstairs. Where the smell of bacon and eggs greet her nose. She walks over to the counter and find exactly what she smelled, and a note.

Hey Aph,

I'm going out for a run for awhile. I'll be back around 12.


'Hmm... That's weird. He usually doesn't go out running unless something's bothering him..' Aphmau thought.

"Bark! Bark!" She hears Celestia and Alexander bark at the door.

"Oh right, sorry guys." She opens the door for the dogs. And they both chase each other outside.

Aphmau goes to the counter, grabs the plate of food and sits at the table. And eats.

Aphmau's POV

Did I really get that drunk? Did I do something to Aaron to make him upset?

Oh Irene, what happened?!


I sit there, in my thoughts and next thing I hear is the front door opening. The dogs start going crazy outside. I get up and let them in, and they immediately run up to the man who just walked in.

I slowly walked towards him. His face quickly changed to a pink color and he steps back.

"I need to take a shower, I'll be right back." He says. And goes upstairs. A few moment later I hear the shower turn on.

What did I do?


Aaron walks downstairs, he has a red teeshirt on and black jeans. And his hair was dry, considering he just took a shower.

I talk before he gets to the bottom of the stairs.

"Did I do something?" He stops at the last step and looks at me. "If I did... Can you tell me?"

He just looks down, probably thinking about something.

"Don't ignore me! Please! I just wanna know what happened so I can try to fix it!" I say to him, he just shakes his head and walks over to me.

He doesn't look up until he gets to me. "It's not what you did..." He pauses. "It's what I did.."

I look at him, confused. He sighs and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"If....If I tell you this.. Please, don't blame yourself. It's was my fault."

I nod. Having no clue what he's about to say.



"Shh!! Katelyn! I don't want anyone else to know about this..." I held my wolf ears down to block out some of the screaming Katelyn just emitted from her mouth.

"Damn, I knew that we were drunk, but I thought you had some control of yourself." She added a small giggle at the end.

"When he told me... I started to remember it... Ugh! Why am I so stupid!" I sat down in a chair and ran my hands through my hair.

"Was he.... Good... At least?" Katelyn said quietly. My face immediately filled with heat.

"No! I mean... I don't know.. maybe? I wasn't completely aware at the time!"

"Wait, let me see your hands." Katelyn said and grabbed one of my wrists. One with a red mark around it.

"Did... Did Aaron...?"

"No! No! No! I don't remember anything like that.." My face went back to a red color.

"Hmmm.... I'm trying to think.... Oh!... There was a... Man, I remember, he grabbed you before you left!" I looked down at my wrist and rubbed it with my thumb. Everything is coming back to me... I'm starting to remember some events.

"Oh..." I just stare down at my wrist.

"I'll get you some lotion to heal it." Katelyn said and left the room, leaving me to my thoughts.

How did I not notice this before?

Why did I not remember this the first time?


3rd Person POV

Aphmau opens the door to her house. The TV was turned on, but no one was watching it.

She hears some ruckus out in the kitchen. She walked over to the noise and sees Aaron feeding the dogs.

He fills up the bowl, his tail swishing side-to-side as he gets the other dog bowl from the shelf.

"Hey..." He said, quietly, setting the bowl down for Celestia. Then one for Alexander. "I just ordered pizza. It should be here soon." He leaves the kitchen to sit in the couch. Aphmau follows him.

Aaron sits down, but Aphmau stands in front of him so he can't see the TV.

"Aaron. Please. Can we talk?" He's been avoiding Aphmau all day, and she is fed up.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I know you said not to blame myself, but I can't help it! I was the one who went out and got drunk. I was the one who made you..." She stopped and thought for a moment. Then shook her head. "Just please, I don't want you to look at me any different.. I still love you, and I can't stand not talking to you like we used to! Please..."

Aaron's gaze went from her face down her body, he stopped for a second at her wolf features that she had out. then all the way down to the floor. He stood up and hugged Aphmau. She gladly hugged back.

"Aph... I'm not, not talking to you on purpose. I just... Didn't know if you were comfortable. You left, after I told you what happened. I just thought you wanted time to think about it. So, I was just giving you time." He pulled away from the hug and held on to Aphmau's waist. And she wrapped her arms around his neck, in response.

"I'm not going to think any different of you. I love you just as much as I did the other day." She smiles. And Aaron smiles back.

"I love you too." He leans in for a kiss and Aphmau closes the gap. They stay like that for minutes, then break away.

Ding dong.

The door bell rings.

Aphmau's ears perk up.

"Come on. Let's go eat the pizza!" Aphmau said, excitedly, and ran to the door.

Aaron shook his head and smiled.

"That's the Aphmau I fell in love with."

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