Chapter 6 ~ Werewolf Senses

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Aphmau's POV

I wake up and sit up from my bed. It takes me a moment to realize that Aaron wasn't next to me. He must be making breakfast already.

I make my way downstairs, turn the corner and see him at the stove making something.

Just then I got a idea. I should scare him! Probably not a good idea... Since he's cooking.. But, he usually does well in handling food. Even in the craziest of circumstances.

I walk up slowly behind him, careful not to make any noise.

He must've heard me, he turned around and smiled at me. I noticed his ears and tail out.

Ugh, stupid werewolf senses..

"Were you trying to scare me?!" He says to me.

"What...? No... Never! I was just trying to see what you were making!" I nervously laughed.

"Uh huh... I made some eggs and bacon.. If you want any." He turns his attention back to the stove.

"Oh, yum! Of course I'll have some!!" I go over to the table and sit down.

A few moments later he gives me a plate, and he grabs a serving for himself and sits next to me.

"So, Katelyn texted me about the... Wedding.. Like, when is it, where is it... And so on." He paused for a moment and looked up at me. "I was going to wait until I talked to you to make any final decisions."

Oh yeah! The wedding. Hmm...

"I was thinking where my parents got married.. My mom said it's beautiful there." He smiled and looked back down at his plate. "I mean, if you don't want to go there, we don't have to! It's just an idea!!" I panicked. He just laughed.

"No, no it's fine... I just like seeing you flustered."

"Aaron!" My face started getting hot.

"Haha! What? You are the one who gets flustered easily!" He continued to laugh.

"You know what?" I pushed my empty plate to him. "Just for that, you get to do the dishes!" I stood up and crossed my arms.

He looks behind him at the few dishes he cooked with, piled up next to the sink.

"I was going to anyway." He shrugged.

I scoffed (playfully) and walked away to the couch.


A knock on the front door interrupted my thoughts. I walked up to it and opened it.

"Katelyn!" I welcomed her in and hugged her.

"Hey Aph, what have you guys been up to?" She said as I closed the door behind her.

"Nothing much.. Just hanging around." I shrug and she looks around.

"Where's Aaron?" She asked.

"He went out for a jog.. He'll be back soon, why?" I said, but she didn't answer. Instead she grabbed my arm and ran me up to my room and shut the door behind us.

"Ah! Katelyn! What are you doing?!" I yell, and she lets go of my arm.

"So... Where are they?" She asks, I look at her, confused.

"Where are what?!" I start to get concerned.

"The pregnancy tests! Did you take them?!" She searches around my room.

"What?! No! Not yet!" I say and stop her from searching any further.

"Why?!" She sounded irritated.

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