Chapter 26 ~ A Day In Paradise

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3rd Person POV

It's been a three days since Aaron and Aphmau boarded the ship, and they are now at the Bahamas. Their plan was to stay there for two days and then head back to the main land.

They spent all day at the beach, and somewhat in the water. If Aphmau did agree to go into the water, Aaron would show her the clearest water she has ever seen, she saw the fish swim by her feet and the colorful rocks that were next to her every step.

"Wow... Look at that one!" Aphmau said and pointed towards the fish by her feet. "It's so pretty!"

Aaron smiles at her as she continued to walk around the water, spotting out every pretty fish she saw.

After she was done spotting out everything, they went back to shore and got some food for lunch. After they filled their plates, they sat down and began to eat.

"I love this place! We should bring Alina down here when she gets older." Aphmau smiled, and she ate her food.

"Yeah. Definitely." Aaron said.

After they finished, they went back to their house they were renting there. It was small, but it was all they needed for now.

As Aphmau steps in She lets out a big yawn. "Oh my Irene. Why am I so tired..?"

Aaron looked at the clock that hung on the wall. "It's seven-thirty."

"Yes~ But we did a lot today. And I'm pretty tired..." She smirked at him and plopped on the couch.

"Well, at least stay up for a little while longer with me." Aaron said, bringing some of their bags to their room.

Once he was done he snuck back to the couch to Aphmau, who was half asleep just watching all the colors change on the TV. He spotted out a spot next to her on the side he could slide in to.

He smirked to himself and slipped in to the spot next to her. She let out a yelp as he did so.

"Ah! Aaron~!" She said as he wrapped his arm around her torso.

"What~? Can't I spend time with my wife..?" He said as he kissed the back of her head.

"Mmm... You can, but... I'm tired.." She said and snuggled up against his body.

"Okay, well.." He sat up off the couch and picked her up bridal style and turned off the TV. "You should get to bed then, we have a long day tomorrow," He bought her to the room and laid her down. He then disappeared into the bathroom to get changed.

While he did so, Aphmau got up and changed into her pjs and laid back down.

Soon after, Aaron got out of the bathroom and crawled into bed with Aphmau.

She felt the bed sink down and scooter over to his warmth. Again, he wrapped his arms around her, kissed her head and started to rub her side.

Aphmau breathed out and relaxed into the motions he made on her side. As he did so, he moved his mouth to the back of her head, he then slowly moved down to the back of her neck and planted soft kisses against it. She let out a soft moan, but it didn't stop Aaron, he just continued until he sensed she was asleep.

After she fell asleep, he slowly stopped rubbing her side and rested his arm around her side and laid his head on top of hers.


Has anyone else seen EP 10?!
Omg I was shooketh.

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