Chapter 24 ~ Our Swim

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"Ugh... All this food looks amazing...!" I whine, knowing I just ate, but I was still hungry.

"Aph, we just ate! Plus, you said you wanted to go to the pool afterwards." Aaron says. I sigh.

"I know... Okay. Let's go then... Before I see something else I like.."  Aaron chuckles and shakes his head.

Then he guides me to to pool. All the papers in our room said the pool wasn't that deep... Though, I'm short. So, a pool that's "not that deep" will probably come up to my neck.

We turn a corner and spot a pool that has some kids and adults in it, but it's not that filled.

"So... You going in?" Aaron turns and asks me.

"Ummm... Yeah, I'm going..." We arrive at the pool's edge when Aaron whispers to me;

"I'll swim with you... Just in case you can't reach.." He pauses for a moment. "You short potato."

My eyes widen and I scoff. "Aaron!" I move my arms out to my side and push him in.

Once he makes a big splash, everyone (well, more like all the kids) laugh. He comes up for air and gives me a look that tells me I should probably run away before he drags me in with him.

But.. It's too late. He's already at my sides and pulling me in.

"Ah! Aaron I can't reach!" After I yell that, he comes to me and holds me up, and I latch onto him.

"Woah! Calm down! I got you..." He smirks, "That was payback."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever! At least you can swim!"

"At least I can touch the bottom." He says as he swims around the pool. I scoff and smile.

After minutes of silence between the two of us, Aaron speaks up.

"We should come here when it's less crowded." He says, trying to swim past other people who are here.

"Yeah..." My face heats up. "We should."

He smirks at me and kisses me on the cheek. And we swim for a little while longer.


"So tomorrow morning we should arrive at the Bahamas. So.." He looks around the small room at our unpacked mess. "We should probably pack up again.."

"Right," I say as I plop on the bed. "Right after I watch some TV!"

"Aph..." He says.

"What?! It's our honeymoon! We can do whatever we want!" I say and flip on a random channel.

"You're no help." He laughs.

"I know! But you love me..!" I smirk. He looks up from his bags.

"I know." I see him smile out the corner of my eye. He sighs and puts his bag away, and sits on the bed next to me.

"See? I knew you couldn't resist!" I giggle. And he shakes his head.

"Only because it's not time to get ready for bed yet. But once that time comes, you're helping me pack!" He says and I nod.

"Agreed!" I say. And I go through some of the channels to see if any interest us.


Hey guys. I know this is short but I really wanna get to the good parts of this story, so just bare with me this time!

Thanks for reading!


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