Chapter 22 ~ Wedding Bells

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"Yes mija?"

"I'm... so nervous.." I exhale as I look at myself in the mirror, examining the white dress that just a tad too long, but hopefully when I put on heels it won't be too bad.

"Oh mija... You'll be fine... I was that same way! Don't worry! I.. Uh.. we will be here for you!" She says as I glance in the mirror and see her bouncing Alina in her arms. "Right Alina?"

"Aaahhhbbabbaa" Alina blurts out random noises.

It's been about 4 months since Alina was born and about a month ago, we decided to... have the wedding. We've been so busy taking care of Alina and working, and everything that we haven't really had time to focus on ourselves. Don't get me wrong, Aaron and I love Alina to death, but we need a break...

So after the wedding my mom convinced us to go on a.. honeymoon. So that's what we're doing...

"Ok I'm here!! Let's do the makeup and hair!" Katelyn says and runs up to me.

"Oh, hey Katelyn! What took so long?" I asked as she got her hair and makeup stuff out.

"Ha-ha! You try getting two babies ready in the morning." She shakes her head and smiles.

"Ha.. I couldn't imagine... Speaking of them... Where are Tracy and Kyle?" I ask, noticing that her children weren't with her right now.

"I dropped them off with Travis... He said he would watch them." Katelyn said and began messing with my hair.

"Ah, I see... So I'm guessing Travis is with Aaron?" I say and observe her brushing my hair through the mirror.

"Yeah. My dad is also there with him. But anyways... Are you excited?!" She switches the topic.

"Well... yeah, but also nervous.." I admit.

"Why?! You guys have been planning this for a long time! Even before you had Alina! This is what you want. Right?" She peers her head around to face me.

"Yes! Yes of course! But, just... jittery.." She finishes putting my hair up and curling some parts. "Wow! It's beautiful Katelyn!" I look at myself in the mirror. She put it up in a neat bun with two pieces curled down in the front on the sides of my face.

"Thanks! Now your makeup!" She gets her set and turns my seat around to face her. While I'm like this I get a good view of my mom playing with Alina in her arms.

I smile to myself as Alina bursts out laughing as she tickles her.

They are gonna do fine while we're gone...


"You ready Mija?" Mom says and she flattens out my dress more.

I glance out the room, just barely so no one can see. I spot Aaron and Travis already on the podium.

I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves.

"Hey Aph." I turn around, quickly to see Zane.

"Oh, hey Zane. What's up?" I ask.

"Just getting ready, you?"

"Yeah... same.." I turn back around towards the door. "Are you and Nana ready?"

"Yeah. We're just waiting for the word." He turns around to face Nana behind him.

"We are about to start! C'mon Zane!" She grabs him and pulls him towards the back.

I take one more look out at the room. Everyone is moving to their seats and Aaron looks pretty nervous.

Possibly more nervous than me.

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