Chapter 2 ~ Drinks

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We walk into the noisy building. (I put my ears and tail away before we enter the building) As soon as we walked in, we were swarmed with a whole lot of people.

Already drunk people.

"Come on! This way!" Katelyn dragged us to the bar, where majority of the people where.

Katelyn ordered drinks for us, and I just sat and watched the scenery.

Drunk people dancing, most of the drunk girls were grinding on men. I'm not even sure they know them.

Oh well... I guess that's where your mind goes when you're that drunk.

And I'm not getting there.

So I thought.


3rd Person POV

Aaron sits on the couch, on his phone, his tail swinging off sofa, until he gets a text from Garroth.

"Hey Aaron! I heard the girls went out. Do you mind if me and Travis come over? We're kinda bored.."

Aaron sighs and replies to the text, "Sure,"

He set down his phone and put away some dishes that were left in the sink to dry. And waited for the guys to show up.

"Hey Aaron!" He heard a voice from outside the door.

"Come in!" He calls from the couch. The two men barge into the house.

"Hey Aaron, my good werewolf buddy, buddy pal, buddy werewolf pal, Aaron werewolf friend!" Travis says as he walks to where Aaron sits.

Aaron glares up at him.

"Okay! Okay! Sorry! What got your ears twisted?" Travis asks. Garroth walks in with is light blue werewolf ears and tail attached to him. Signaling Travis to stop.

Aaron shakes his head. "I just let Aphmau out to a bar with Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and Lucinda.."

"Yeah, and....?" Travis ushers on.

"To a bar with a whole load of drunk guys with Katelyn and Lucinda who also drink too much when given the chance. And what do you think they'll peer pressure Aphmau to do? Drink more. Then guys will go to her and..." he stops and Garroth speaks up.

"Aaron, do you really think Aphmau would do that? She barely drinks in the first place! She'll take her time with the drinks and she won't get that drunk!" Garroth reassures, his tail swishing side to side. And Travis nods in agreement.

"....You're right, I guess I'm just overreacting. I let her go out without thinking about other people being there..." Aaron brushes his hands through his hair and over his ears. "Sorry."

"It's alright! Plus, she's Aphmau! The nicest person in the world! Do you think she'll ever cheat on you? Sober or not?" Aaron smiles and shrugs. He looks over to a picture that had him and Aphmau in it.

I know she won't.


Aphmau's POV

Only about 2 drinks in, I started to feel fuzzy.

'Maybe I should stop.' I thought.

"Hey Aph! One more drink? On me~!" Katelyn, on the other hand, probably had one drink too many.

"No I'm fine Katelyn... I don't need anymore!" I nervously laughed and pushed the empty glass away from myself.

"Aww, come on~! Just one more? For my sake!" Katelyn wrapped her arm around me "Bartender! One more drink for this gal!" She pointed at me.

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