Chapter 23 ~ The Surprise

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"Uuggghhh.... It's been soo long..." I say, stuffing the last of my sandwich into my mouth.

"Don't worry... We're almost there! I think you can survive a few more minutes!" Aaron says.

"Maybe.." I respond, and turn up the radio and drown in the music.


"Okay. Close your eyes." He says. And I look at him.


"Because. We're here. If you keep your eyes open for any longer, you'll see signs of what it is... And that would ruin it.." He answers, and I roll my eyes and close them.

Soon after I hear him roll down his window and talk to someone.

"Keep them closed.." He says and continues to talk to whoever was out there.

"Okay. Thank you." He says and starts to drive again. "So now... We need to find a place to park..."

"Park?! Aaron. Where are we?!" My curiosity takes over and I start to peak. As I do, I see many cars parked into parking spots.

"Hey! Are you peaking?!" I quickly close my eyes.

"No..." I lie, he sighs.

"Okay, we are gonna park here. Can I trust you not to peak?"

"Hmm.. Yeah..." I say and I hear him get out of the car. I wait for a few seconds and feel my door open.

"Come here.." He says and guides me out the door. "When I count to three, open your eyes." He adjusts me to face a certain way.


"One..." My heart starts to beat fast, and my curiosity starts to blow through the roof. What's he hiding?!


"Three!" I open and see a huge ship lay out before me over a field of cars.

"Oh.. My.. Irene Aaron—! Are we going on this?!?!" I look over at him, and he nods.

"Oh my gosh!! I love it!" I turn and practically run into Aaron, engulfing him in a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"

"Hehe.. No problem.. But, we still need to get on the boat." I pull away.

"Right... Lets go!!" I say and grab my stuff from the trunk of the car.


We get signed in and everything, and as we board the ship, we are greeted with a very large room with multiple floors going up and elevators running up and down between the floors. And at the bottom of the elevators sits a bar, with many people already there.

I get butterflies in my stomach. This place is beautiful!

"Aph!" I hear Aaron call my name, and he's already walking towards that back elevators to go down to our floor. "You coming or what?"

"Oh, sorry!" I drag my bags behind me as I catch up with him. There are many people waiting for the elevators too and when an elevator is available, we get on and go down a few floors.

A lady in the intercom for the elevator says "floor 4" and that's when we know it's our stop. We get off and look around.

"Okay so... We are room 565-R... So it's... this way!" Aaron says and leads me towards our room.

Once we get to the room, he takes his card and goes in. It's small. Like, very small... But that's okay! We won't really be in here that much anyway.

As soon as we walk in there is a door to our right, which I eventually found out, was the bathroom. And to the left was some cabinets. Then, walk back a little further, a bed lays out, all neat and cleaned. And right before the bed there is a counter with a huge mirror above it. And a small TV rests on a shelf in front of the bed.

"Small... But it works! When are we going to get our stuff?!" I ask. And Aaron gets out a piece of paper that was resting on the counter.

"It says here that our suitcases will be dropped off soon. So that gives us free time to do whatever." He shrugs and sets the paper down.

"Cool!" I grab a map of the ship that was in an envelope. "Looks like there's a pool here! Oh! And some water slides! Oh my gosh! And there's an all-you-can-eat buffet here! It's on the 10th floor!"

"Well... I guess you want to go there now, huh?" I quickly nod and he smiles.

He picks up his phone and looks at the time. "I guess it is around dinner time, so we could go now."

"Yay! Let's go!"


"Oh my Irene... I'm so stuffed!" I say and pat my belly.

Aaron chuckles and takes my plate. "I can assume you're done then?"


He gets up and throws the leftovers away, and comes to sit back down with me.

After that, I notice the ship start to move. I look out the windows and see us drift farther from land.

"We are moving! We are actually leaving now..." The realization then comes to me that we are leaving the state... Leaving the country! I don't think I've ever left before... This is a first.

"So, would you like to know where we are going?" Aaron asks.

"Oh! Yes!" I sit up and he gestures for me to follow him.

"It's in the room. Let's go." I nod and follow him to the room.

Once we arrive he gets out a form he had in his suitcase and reads it.

"We are going... To the Bahamas! And staying for three days!" He looks from the paper, to me.

"T-The Bahamas?! Oh my Irene!! Aaron..! H-How did you...?"

"Don't worry about that... My focus this trip is to make you happy.. And it looks like I already did." He smirks at me and I hug him.

Tears of joy start to spill out of my eyes. "I can't believe you did all this... This is amazing!"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I pulled away just enough to look down at me. I roll my eyes, and we stay there for a few more seconds. Or just until we have to move....

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