Chapter 15 ~ My Heroes

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Two months have passed. And I'm definitely starting to show. I have a bump, but not that big. Well... Being 4 months pregnant, that's good right?

Everyone has been caring for me a lot more now. Asking how I'm doing, how I'm feeling and if I need anything. Yes, it is nice and all, but can get slightly annoying when they ask all the time.

Aaron is at work right now, and I'm here laying with Celestia lying across my belly and Alexander lying across my feet. It's like they are protecting me! It's so cute! I turn towards the tv and watch whatever what was on at that moment.

As I watch the tv, I hear Alexander start growling.

Celestia perks her head up to look at him, then she starts growling and looking around.

They both get up and move towards the window.

"Hey... What's wrong you two?" I sit up from the couch and look out the window, but nothing was there. "It's okay guys. Probably just the wind or something." I say and sit back down.

Alexander walks to the back door and continues growling. The lights that I had on, start to flicker.

"What the—?" I say, and the flickering abruptly stops and the lights remain on.

Alexander then starts barking and Celestia quickly runs over and joins him, barking.

I look out the window to the backyard and see nothing.

"Okay... This is getting ridiculous." I say, fed up with this. I turn towards the back door and open it. The dogs run out.

I look to my left, where the dogs ran, then I look to my right. There I saw a figure of some sort run behind the wall, out of sight.

My heart starts to race.

Someone is here.

I attempt to call the dogs in, but they refuse, still barking into the front yard. After a few more attempts, I give up. I would go out there and get them, but I don't feel safe going out there right now...

I then hear the front door close.

Oh shit.

The front door! I didn't lock it!!

It only takes a few seconds for something to grab me from behind and drag me inside.

I try to get out of its grasp, but it's no use. I then see the dogs run inside and pounce on who was behind me.

I heard the voice of a man scream out in pain. I turn around and see Alexander biting his shoulder and Celestia biting his leg.

I got a good look at him, and he looked a lot like the guy from the bar..

He is the guy! We were right!

"Agh!! Get off me!" With his free hand he reaches over and punches Alexander off him, he jumps back and yelps, and he reaches and punches Celestia.

"Hey!" I yell at him. I run at him, but before I can get anywhere near him he jumps up and runs out of the house.

I take a few deep breaths in. And sigh. I walk over to the dogs, and pet them.

"I'm so sorry the mean man hurt you... I... Couldn't do anything..." I look over to the counter that my phone was on. I should call the cops.. Or something. But he's already gone... They wouldn't be able to do anything.

I turn my focus back on the dogs and continue petting them.


"He what?!?!" Aaron's voice tinged throughout the house.

"I tried to do something... But I couldn't. And that's when the dogs came to help me." I explained. I don't think he heard anything I just said, as he was fuming. "Aaron.. I'm sorry.. I know I could've done something, but.... I couldn't. I was too much in shock. I couldn't move!"

He calmed down a bit and sighed. "Aphmau, I'm not mad at you. I'm just mad at myself for not being here."

I almost say something, but decide against it.

"At least the dogs were here.." He chuckles and the dogs bark.

"Oh, yes! They are mommy's heroes today! Isn't that right?!" I say, and they start licking my face.

"I'll stay here with you for a few days... Just to make sure you'll be okay." Aaron says. I shake my head.

"No. You've already missed a lot of days because of me. Please, just... Don't worry about me." I say looking up at him.

"Aph, something bad could've happened to you today. I'm not taking any more chances."

"Aaron... I know. But, what about your job? If you miss too many days then you'll get fired!" I said.

"Maybe... But I care about you a lot more than a stupid job." He says, holding my hand.

I sigh, trying to think of something. "What about if I go to Katelyn's? I'll be okay there." I suggest.

He pauses to think, and he sighs. "Okay... Fine. But I don't want you walking anywhere by yourself. Not even to Katelyn's by yourself."

"Okay! Gosh.. You sound like my mom!" I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

"I know." He laughs. "I just want you to be safe." He says, more serious.

"Don't worry... I'll be fine!" I let go of his hands, "besides! I got the dogs to take care of me!" I look down at the dogs.

They stand up and wag their tails.

"Bark! Bark!"

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