Chapter 12 ~ Why Her?

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Me and Matt went with the girls so we could watch them shop. We pulled in to the mall and the girls ran ahead, except for Emma. "Come on Em!" Ria yelled. "We gotta hurry to get some good beani's for you!" Kat yelled. "Have you met me? I don't run!" She yelled. I laughed. She walked over to me and put her head on my shoulder. Why did this have to happen to her? I mean why not me. She's just so sweet, beautiful, funny. If I ever lost her, I don't know how I would live with myself. Yeah I know I know, I was with Amber and seemed 'happy' but truly I wasn't. I would lost cry myself to sleep. It was pretty bad. We got up to the mall and a cold breeze hit us. Emma caught up with the girls and they went to Forever 21. I watched her laugh, and pick out a few beani's. I felt Matt sit next to me. "Why her?" I asked. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Why did this happen to her? Out of all people, it happened to her" I said. He sighed. "it just happens, it's life" he said, he's right. I sighed and then felt hands on my shoulders. They were going from my shoulders to my chest and that's as far as I let them go. I took the arms by the wrists and I turned around. Then I saw her, Alex. No Amber. "What are you doing?" I asked then her lips crashed in mine. I heard laughing then it went silent. I didn't kiss the pig back. She pulled away and had that witch smile on her face. I wiped my lips, I felt like I was going to gag. I turned around to see Kat walking up to me, and she slapped me. Emma was no where in sight. Neither was Ria or Courtney. Then as I held my cheek I felt a tap on my shoulder. I was kinda nervous to turn around till I saw Emma's BEST friend Celina. "Hey Hayes!" She said with a smile. "Where's Emma?" She asked. "I have no idea" I said. "We do" Kat said with her arms crossed I front of her chest. Celina ran with her and they went off somewhere. I was following but they ran and I walked. Matt was with them, he loves Emma like a sister. I kept trying to call her but she didn't awnser. I called one last time and someone answered. "We're at the bathroom, Emma won't come out. But Celina and Kat are in there with her" Rose said in the phone. I told he okay and hung up. I ran down the stairs when I could've took the escalator or something. I eventually made it there out of breath. I walked over to where Matt was sitting. "She won't come out" he said calm. "Rose said that Kat and Celina are in the with her, so she has to come out sometime" I said. He shrugged his shoulders. "You shouldn't have done that Hayes!" He finally yelled. I kinda flinched, I hate it when Matt is mad. He stood up and paced. "Why did you have to do that now?!?! She just found out she had cancer you jerk!!!" He yelled. (Let's say he said something else but I can't get busted cussing on here). "I didn't kiss her!" I yelled back. "Oh really? Then why were you basically swallowing Alex huh?" He asked. "First off, ew. Second I love Emma not Alex! My EX GIRLFRIEND!!" I yelled. Hopefully Matt could get that part threw his thick head. "I love her" I said quietly. "Well she's never gonna trust you now, I bet she won't" he said and walked over to the girls. I know she never will, but she at least needs to know the truth.


Hey guys! I wanted to start doing this question thing. You ask a question to like a character or the author and your answer will be on the next chapter! Sorry Kat I'm not trying to copy you I just thought it was kinda cool and wanted to try it out!

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