Chapter 30 ~ All Over Again

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I woke up and stretched I looked around and, it just felt so empty. Like something was missing. I ignored the feeling and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom while scratching the back of my neck. I walked in and almost screamed. "OMG I look like a fricken troll" I said out loud. Then I heard the door open to reveal Kat. Her eyes widened. "OMG... Um does the troll need to go back under the bridge?" She laughed. "Why do people call it beauty sleep when you end up looking like a troll in the morning?" I said more like a question. "Well, I don't know" she laughed. I put my hands to face. "So anyways, I wanted to ask you something" she said. "And what's that?" I asked while brushing what hair I had. "Do you wanna help me pick my prom dress?" She asked with a smile on her face. I slowly turned to her with a giant smile on my face. "Are you serious?!?!?!??" I asked. "Of course I am!!! Emma your my sister!" She said. I pulled her in a hug. "Thank you for letting me help y!" I said. "Of course!" She said. "Now" she started while letting go. "Get dressed, and I will meet you down in the living room" she said. I nodded and she left. I locked the door and smiled. Wow, my sister is actually letting me help with fashion. I mean, Kat is the fashionista in his family. I certainly am not. I looked in the mirror and it was really blurry. "Oh crap" I said out loud. I left my glasses on my room. I walked out of the bathroom and bumped into one of the boys I'm guessing. I fell to the floor. "Ow" I laughed. "Sorry Em" he said. "No it's fine" I said with a smile, I still couldn't see which guy it was. "No, I mean it. I'm sorry for everything. When I say that, I mean everything. You didn't deserve to be treated like that" he said. I still had a smile on my face. "For real, it's fine" I said. "You sure?" He said, his voice lit up. "Yeah, I mean it's nothing" I said. "Okay" he said. I nodded and walked past him into my room. I closed the door and went to my night stand it get my glasses. I put them on. "A whole new world" I sand while putting them on. "Carter" I laughed. I went to my closet and got out my WSU t-shirt and put it on. I walked over to my drawer and got out my high waisted jeans. I slipped on my black vans and my black loose beanie. I walked out and walked down stairs to the living room. I saw Kat sitting there on her phone texting away. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She got up and looked at me. "Well now you don't look like a troll" she said with a smile. I rolled my eyes and we got in her car. I looked over my shoulder and grabbed the seat buckle. I buckled up and sat back. "Ready?" She asked with a smile. I nodded. We drove and drove till we got to the mall. We walked in and I kept getting weird looks from people. "Hey girl, what happened? Did you pull a Britney Spears?" A boy asked while standing in my way. "Shut up ass hole" Kat said pulling me away. (FYI If you don't know what I mean by 'Did you pull a Britney Spears'. I meant when she shaved her head because of some weird reason. Can't remember why. But she did it). My eyes started watering. "Hey hey hey, don't listen to him, he doesn't know your story okay?" She said. I nodded and wiped away my tears. "Now, let's go get me a prom dress" she said with a smile. I smiled and laughed a little. I don't know what I would do with out Kat. She's been there for me all the time. I mean, I know. She's my sister. But that doesn't mean anything. Even if she wasn't my sister, we would probably be best friends. She'd always be there for me and I would be there for her. We walked in to a dress store and looked around. "Ugh Em, there isn't anything I like" she said. "Dude, you've only looked threw half of the store" I laughed. We walked to the back but I stopped her. "Okay so what exactly are you looking for?" I asked. She sighed and acted like she was thinking. "Well.....I DONT KNOW!" She yelled. I laughed with tears in my eyes. We looked around for a while. "Emmaaaaaaaaa! I can't fi-" she started but she stopped. Her eyes were wide and her mouth opened. "Kat?" I asked. She walked past me to the absolute gorgeous dress. It was orange and strapless. It wasn't poofy, it was flowing tho. It had rhinestones on the top part of the dress. "OMG Kat!" I said. "I know right" she said. "This has you written all over it" I said. "Try it on!" I said handing it to her. She ran to the dressing room and was in there for 5 mins. Then she came out. She looked stunning. "Kat..." I said with a smile. "I think this is the one" I said. She had her hands over her mouth. "How much is it?" I asked. "25 bucks" she said. "It's worth it"I said. She smiled and ran back in the dressing room to take it off. She came out witht her normal clothes on and had the dress in her hand. We paid for it and almost walked out. "Hey..." She says. "What?" I asked wit a smile. "Don't you have some kind of formal?" She asked. I sighed. "Yeah... But nobody asked me" I said. "So! Girl go with your friends! Ria, and Celina!" She said. Rosie is in the same grade as her, so I have Ria and Celina. "Okay" I said with a sigh. "How bout this?" She asked holding up a red dress with black straps and a black bow in the middle. "I like it, but it's not me" I said. She put it back and we kept looking. "This?" She asked holding up a really pretty dress. The top and black with a lace pattern and the bottom was teal and high low. "OMG!!!" I said. I tried it on and it fit perfectly. "I love it!" I said. We bought it and went home. Everybody was in the living room. "Hey guys!" Kat said. "Hey..." Hayes said getting up. He pulled me into one of his famous bear hugs. "Um what is this for?" I asked as Matt did the same for Kat. Hayes moved with a frown on his face. I looked at the tv and and my smile slowly faded away. "Who got in the car wreck?" I asked. "Y-y-your parents" Rosie cried in Shawn's shoulder. Rosie was like our sister even if we met this year. Kat lost it. "No they can't be gone!!!" She screamed. Matt hugged her and she cried in his chest. I took a step back and hit the wall. I slid down and started to cry. Hayes sat next to me. I leaned on his shoulder and turned to him while crying. "I'm so sorry" he said. "A-a-are they?" I asked. He nodded and I cried my eyes out. I felt two arms wrap around me and I knew they belonged to the one and only Aaron Carpenter. "Emma?" Hayes asked I turned up to him. "Yeah?" I asked. "Emma?" He asked while shaking me. I'm so confused. Till I opened my eyes to see me on the couch. "Emma?" Hayes asked. "This makes a whole lot more sense" I said. "Are you okay?" Kat asked with a smile. "Yeah I'm fine?" I said. "You kinda fell and hit your head in the way up the stairs outside" Hayes said. I rolled my eyes. "Well it takes talent to trip this much" I said with everybody laughing. I got up and walked to my room and called my parents. It rang a few times. "Hello?" My dad answered. My mom and dad eventually got divorced, my dad cheated on mom. "Hi" I said sounding happy, but with tears. "Honey are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm perfect" I said. "Well good, are y and that Hayes kid still together?" He asked. That made me frown a little. "Um, no. We broke up" I said holding back tears. Probably the biggest mistake in my life. "Oh" he said. "Just what you always wanted right?" I asked. "Emma, what I did was wrong" he said. A tear slipped from my eye. "Yeah, it was" I said and quickly wiped it away. "Baby you have no idea how sorry I am" he said. "Really, you didn't seem so sorry after it all happened" I said. He sighed. "Please, just forgive and forget" he said. Once he said that I hung up. I went over to my camera and set it up. I went over to my guitar and pressed record. "Hi guys it's Emma, and I'm going to be singing Waiting For Superman By Daughtry" I said. I sang and ended the video. I sighed. I uploaded and closed my laptop. Tomorrow night is Kats prom and my formal, but I'm not going. Me, Hayes, Celina, and Ria are the only Sophomores. I went straight to bed with out hesitation.
~The Next Morning~
I woke up and stretched I looked at the clock 1:00. Dang!!! "Well I just have slept good" I said out loud. I went to my closet and put on some gray sweat pants and a pink tank top. I put on some random vans and walked down stairs. "Well good......" Matt started. He held out the d while looking at the clock. ".....Afternoon!" He said. I laughed. "Prom is tonight!" Kat yelled. I laughed. "So who are you going with?" Aaron asked. "I'm not going" I said. "Why?" He asked. "I don't want to" I said. He nodded.
~Later that night~
Kat out her dress on with her orange heels. I curled her hair and she did her make up. I did the same. I out in my dress and my flats. Because if I wear heels I will like break my ankles. I brushed my hair, or what I have. "So are you ready?" She asked. I nodded and we walked down stairs. I felt almost a million eyes on me. Kat too Lol. I looked at everybody. Celina had a light pink dress, Ria had a kinda short purple dress. Rosie had on red the dress that we saw at the mall. The guys all had tuxes and might I say. They looked HOT. Hayes really caught my eye. He was starring at me, when he saw me he blushed and I laughed. "Let's go!" Kat said. We all walked out and we went to Juniors prom first. I took a couple of pics then one of Kats friends ran out. "Kat! The singer got sick and went home! There's no one to sing for the slow dance!" She said. Then Kat looked at me and I looked around till everyone was looking at me. "What?" I asked. "Emma...." Kat said. "Ugh, fine" I said. "Yes!!!!" Kats friend yelled. We all walked in and it was beautiful. The theme was Enchanted Forest. We all went around and danced till it was time for a slow song. I sang A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. After I was done I got a couple of claps. I walked off the stage and got a lot of compliments. "Hey, you were amazing" Hayes said walking up to me. "Thanks" I said smiling at the ground. "Okay students, it is time to announce prom king and prom queen" I'm guessing there principle said. "The prom king is....." There was a silence. "Mr. Matthew Espinosa" he said. We all clapped for him. "And your prom queen is......." Another silence. "Mrs. Kathryn Credille!" We all cheered on Kat. (Sorry Kat, I used my last name if that's okay 😁). "Now the king and queen must have there dance" he said. They walked hand and hand to the dance floor. Matt put his hands on her waist and Kat put hers around his neck. I watched them dance till there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see very light blue eyes. "Would you like to dance?" He asked holding his hand out. "I would love to" I said taking his hand. We got in the same position as Kat and Matt and danced. It was silent till he broke it. (Figured). "Emma, I have something to confess" he said. "Yeah?" I asked while living my head up from his shoulder. "I'm still in love with you......"

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