Chapter 28 ~ Tay?

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"We HAVE to go on the Ferris wheel!" Aaron yelled like a little kid. I laughed. "Please!!!" He begged. "Fine! I'm not a big fan of heights tho" I said. "I'll be right here with you" he said putting an arm around me. I blushed. We walked up to the line, then came the girls. Security ace and got them away and we got on the Ferris wheel. We got on. "The oceans so pretty" I said looking out there, the moon was hitting the ocean perfectly. "Yeah, it's pretty. Just like you" he said. I turned to him and smiled. "Thank you" I said. Then the Ferris wheel stopped and we were at the top. "Well okay then" I said. He laughed. I looked at him in the eyes and he looked in mine. He leaned in but before our lips touched my phone went off. I got it out of my pocket and saw it was a notification rom twitter. Aaron's phone went off too. I opened it up and it was Tay. Yes I call Taylor Tay. All of us girls do. I opened it up and my smile faded away and my eyes widened.

Twitter - like what am I suppose to do? I apologized. Like I won't kill myself like you guys keep asking... Maybe I can jump off a house or something

"Oh My Gawd!" I said then covered my mouth and started to cry. "We need to get off" I said and started freaking out. "HEY CAN YOU HURRY AND GET US DOWN?!" I yelled. The guy gave us a thumbs up and eventually got us down. Once we were down I ran as fast as I could to the car. Aaron was old enough to drive so he drove. "What if he already did it" I cried. "Emma, don't say that" he said. I cried some more. "Why did he say that!" I asked. "Well, he made a video a while back that he wanted to kill himself because of all the hate" he said. I covered my mouth and tried to stay calm. Once the car stopped in front of the house I opened the door and slammed it shut. Everybody was home, since the cars were here. I opened the door to the house and nobody was in the living room. I ran to the kitchen, nope. Then I went to his room. The door was shut and everybody was standing behind it. "He won't even let me in there" Ria said crying. I went up to the door and knocked. "Go away..." I heard Taylor's voice. That's all I really needed. "Tay please open up..." I said. "No, your just gonna slap r hit me for even posting that..." He said. I looked back at everyone else with a mad look on my face. They all looked down. I rolled my eyes and put my ear back up against the door. "Tay, I'm not gonna do that to you. I just wanna talk. Please open up. Just me" I said that then Ria got mad. "Calm yo nerves" I said. She rolled her eyes. I put my ear against the door a again and heard the door unlock. Taylor only grabbed my arm and pulled me in before the others could try and get in. "Tay, please don't" I cry as I hug him. He hugs back and rubs my back. "I just can't take it anymore" he said. That made me cry way more. "Tay there just haters. Haters gonna hate. They don't know the real and amazing you. They just see you as a viner. But I see you as like my big brother. I love you" I said in his chest. "I just don't want that anymore" he said, I could tell he was tearing up. You never want to see Taylor cry. "Think about it. Think about how your fans would react. They would probably kill there selves too if you were gone. Think about how we would be. I wouldn't even come out of my room if you were gone. I would stay in there till I'd die. We can't risk loosing you. We love you too much to let you go" I said. He sighed. "Think about Ria. She'd be the first to go" I said. He nodded. "I just have gone threw, so much. And so little people respect the things I've gone threw. What ALL of us have gone threw" he said. "Then forget them! Focus on the people who bring you up, not tear you down. Trust me, I've learned that the hard way" I said looking at my wrists. "Yeah you've gone threw a lot too" he said. "See. Now you know that I understand you. I've been in your shoes" I said. "Seriously I literally was today. I had to take the trash out and your were the first one to find" I said and he smiled. "See, I've missed that smile" I said. He hugged me and we stayed like this for a while. Then we heard a knock on the door. "Can we come in now" one of the boys said. "How bout instead of you guys coming in, I come out" Taylor said. I smiled and wiped my tears away. He opened the door and everybody hugged him. I hope I showed Taylor how much we care about him. He means a lot to this family. We all love him, no matter what.


I dedicate this Chapter to Taylor. If he was EVER gone, I would probably lock myself in my room and just watch all his videos and cry my eyes out. Even tho he isn't my favorite, I still love him. I mean not like that but, well you know what I mean. This made me cry writing this so I hope you liked it! Love you guys! Triology is coming out! Or book 3 whatever you wanna call it.

And I just saw on Instagram, that's what he actually said. If you don't believe me look on magons_bae_ruby Instagram. She has a picture of it... Gawd that fricken sucks DX

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