108. Relaxing Night In

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 Shawn and I were spending the night in, just relaxing. We were watching my favorite television show Supernatural, to be specific, the Mystery Spot episode in season three. I watched as (SPOILER ALERT) Dean died for the third time just during that episode. The room was mostly dark as Shawn and I sat on the couch, my legs resting on Shawn's lap as he absentmindedly rubbed my shins with his thumb. He loved doing that when my legs were on his lap. I turned my attention away from the television to study Shawn's facial features.

Shawn was illuminated by the glow of the television screen. My eyes wandered around his face as I took in every little detail. I looked at his brown eyes that I loved so much. I get lost in them every single time that I look in them and I know that I always will. His eyes are captivating. I studied his plump lips. They can work wonders and they're practically magic. When his lips are on my lips, I feel energized. I feel sparks shoot out throughout my body. I feel my blood pump faster. I feel butterflies erupt and fly around in my stomach and I feel my heart race. I then looked at his jawline. I so desperately wanted to let my finger trace along it but I didn't want to take his attention away from the show. His jawline is so sharp and defined. His head was tilted a little, enough so I could see his neck vein. I wanted to trace that too, but I didn't. I was just about to study his nose when his head turned to look at me with the smile that I love so much.

"Darling you're staring." Shawn said.

"Sorry honey, you're just so handsome." I said with a blush since I had been caught in the act.

"And you are so unbelievably gorgeous my love." He said. I blushed again as I looked down. "Is my darling Y/n blushing?" Shawn asked with a chuckle.

"Yes." I said with a small giggle.

"I love making you blush." He said.

"I love making you blush too baby boy." I said.

"Call me that again." He requested. I leaned forward and put my lips to his ear.

"Baby boy." I whispered. I saw Shawn shiver. I was having the same effect on him that he had on me and I loved the fact that I could make him feel like this.

"I love you baby girl." Shawn said.

"I love you too." I said. Shawn smiled and placed his lips on mine. I felt all of the same feelings, the sparks, the butterflies, the heart racing, my blood pumping faster, and I felt energized all over again. I laid back down on the couch as Shawn went back to rubbing my shin with his thumb. I couldn't help but feel content and loved.

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