111. Second Date

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A/N: In order to fully understand this imagine, you have to read my imagine "First Date". Okay let's begin!

 A week ago I went on a date with the singer and songwriter, Shawn Mendes. We met at a Justin Timberlake concert and immediately hit it off. It was pretty great and our first date went amazingly well. I loved it. He took me out to the movies and then we came back to my house. We didn't do anything sexual, we just sat on my couch and talked about anything and everything. I opened up to him and I'm regretting it a little bit. How could I let myself let my guard down like that after what my ex, Mike, did to me? Sure I was the one that broke up with him but that doesn't mean that Mike didn't hurt me in some way or another. Today Shawn is coming over so we can have our second date, and I don't plan on letting my guard down again. Soon there was a knock at the door.

"Hi Shawn." I said with a smile.

"Hi Y/n. Would it be okay if I kissed you again?" Shawn asked nervously while rubbing the back of his neck. I paused for a moment.

"Um, yeah. That's fine. I really enjoyed our last kiss." I said.

"You seem hesitant." He said.

"No, I'm okay, really." I lied. Did I really want this? I do, don't I?

"No you're not. Let me just kiss you on the cheek." He said, and did just that. I smiled and secretly felt grateful. I hugged him and smiled at him after he kissed my cheek. He hugged me and smiled back.

"So I thought we could watch a movie called Sully. It's partially based off of a true story and it always gives me chills." I said, pulling Shawn over to the couch.

"Okay." He said as we sat down on the couch. "Do you, uh, want to lean on me?" He asked. I did, but again, I was hesitant.

"Sure." I said with a fake smile and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I lied.

"No, something's wrong." He said. I sighed and pulled away from him and turned so I was facing him so I could look at him better. I grabbed his hand and decided to play with his big, manly fingers.

"I just, the last time I was in a relationship, I got hurt. I was the one that broke up with him, but I was still hurt during the relationship. He was an immature, perverted, jerk. He would embarrass me and would push me for sexual things that I didn't want to do. I didn't do them except for one thing, but I regret doing it." I said.

"What did you do if you don't mind me asking?" He asked. I told him what I did.

"Sorry for dumping all of this on you." I said while looking down. He put his index finger underneath my chin and lifted my head up lightly.

"It's okay. You feel comfortable opening up to me and I'm grateful for that. You didn't dump anything on me honey." He said. Honey. He called me honey. I smiled, liking the sounds of it.

"You just called me honey." I said with a smile.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Great now I'm probably scaring you away." Shawn said.

"Shawn do you see this smile on my face? You're not scaring me away. I like that nickname. Honey. It sounds nice, it sounds right. Like you should be calling me that." I said, still smiling.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want to pressure you into anything." He asked and said.

"I'm positive Shawn. You can call me whatever you want. As long as it's not a swear word, I'm okay with it." I said. The fact that I was hesitant was slipping away and I was becoming even more comfortable with him. I really like him, and I hope he feels the same way.

"Okay. Can I tell you something?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

"I really like you Y/n. Like, a lot. I know we've only seen each other a few times but I'm falling for you." He said. I was taken aback at first, mostly because I felt the same way, but also because I wasn't expecting him to say something like that.

"Shawn I feel the same way." I said with a smile.

"Really?" He asked, a smile forming on his face.

"Yeah. I really like you and I'm falling for you. I think that's why I was so hesitant. Just please be careful with my heart, okay?" I asked.

"Of course honey. Can I ask you a question?" He asked.

"Of course." I said.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I gave him the biggest smile that I could have possibly given, which was pretty big, and nodded.

"As long as you'll be my boyfriend." I teased. He smiled at me.

"That makes me so happy. And now that I'm your boyfriend, I can do this." He said before putting his lips on mine. I felt a rush. His touch electrified me and energized me. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt sparks shoot out throughout my body. I felt my blood pump faster and I felt my heart race. Shawn causes my knees to be weak, and I love every feeling that he gives me. I love that he wants me to open up to him and that he's okay with it. We pulled away, gasping for air after our rather passionate kiss.

"That was amazing, just like last time." I said. Shawn nodded.

"I agree. Shit you're beautiful baby girl." Shawn said, studying my face. I could feel myself blush at his words and he chuckled. "Is my girlfriend blushing at my words?" He asked.

"Well of course I am! I'm not used to being called beautiful." I said with a laugh.

"Well you should be reminded that you're beautiful every single day. Your contact name is going to be 'Beautiful Girl' and every morning I'm going to text you calling you beautiful and every night too." He said.

"You would really do that? For me?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.

"Of course. A beautiful girl deserves to know and hear that she's beautiful. Oh honey I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry." He said, suddenly panicking.

"Thank you Shawn. I'm crying because I've never been treated like this before." I said.

"Well you deserve so much baby girl. So get used to it." He said with a chuckle. I giggled.

"Can we watch the movie and cuddle now, my handsome boyfriend?" I asked.

"Of course my beautiful girlfriend. God that sounds amazing." He said with a smile on his face.

"It really does. Come on, let's cuddle." I said before putting the movie on and cuddling up to Shawn. We stole kisses from each other throughout the movie as I laid on his chest. He didn't tell me that I was crushing him like Mike once did. He simply held me, kissed me, and smiled at me.

"I love this." Shawn said.

"I do too. Can I pause it and tell you something that Mike once said to me?" I asked. He nodded and I told him how Mike once said that I was crushing him when I laid on him.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I heard you correctly, he basically called you fat?" He asked.

"Yup." I said.

"Baby girl you are so not fat. I'm so sorry that you had to go through that." Shawn said.

"It's okay. He tried to push me to go to the gym with him even though I didn't want to." I said.

"Baby girl I would never push you to do something that you're not comfortable doing or don't want to do. I think it's healthy to go to the gym, but if you don't want to go, you don't have to." Shawn said.

"Thank you baby. Do you mind me calling you that?" I asked nervously.

"You're welcome. You can call me whatever you want to call me, as long as they're not swear words." He said. I smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Come on let's get back to the movie." I said, and with that, Shawn and I resumed the movie and our cuddles. I'm so lucky to have Shawn as my boyfriend.

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