198. You Surprise Him

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Today I'm surprising Shawn by showing up at one of his q&a's and then I'll be there for his show as well. He has no clue that I'm coming obviously. He thinks that I'm back at our home in Boston, not where he is, in Texas (A/N: I know that he's not there, but let's pretend he is). I was texting with him but I had to stop because I was on the plane. If he's texted me, which he probably has, I haven't been able to respond and he's probably worried sick which makes me feel bad, but I'll see him soon. I soon landed and got a phone call from Shawn.

"Hey babe, I'm a little busy right now, can I call you back?" I asked.

"Yeah, just tell me if you're okay because I've been worried sick." Shawn said. My heart broke.

"I'm fine, just busy. I'll talk to you later. Love you." I said.

"Wait, where are you? Are you at an airport?" Shawn asked.

"No, I'm at the mall, shopping for my mom." I lied. I felt so bad for lying but I couldn't come out and tell him that I was surprising him. That would ruin everything.

"Okay. Well, I love you too. Bye." Shawn said. He sounded suspicious.

"Bye." I said. Mike, Shawn's drummer, picked me up at the airport.

"Hey Y/n. How have you been?" Mike asked after we hugged.

"Good. How's tour?" I asked as we grabbed my luggage and headed out to the car.

"Oh it's great and we're loving it but Shawn's been pretty down, especially lately." Mike said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well he misses you. Like, a lot. I heard him crying the other day but he won't admit to it." Mike said. My heart broke again.

"I've missed him too but we'll be happy to see each other again soon. He rarely cries, that breaks my heart that he was crying." I said. Mike nodded and we soon arrived at the venue for the concert. "Thanks for picking me up Mike." I said.

"Yeah, of course, no problem." Mike said.

"Now, time to find my man's q&a." I said. Mike laughed and pointed me in the direction of where it was supposed to be. Before it started, I sat down in the way back, hiding behind Mike and Andrew. Shawn soon walked in and excitement bubbled in my stomach.

"Hey guys." Shawn said, waving. They said hi and the questions soon started and he picked a random girl.

"What's the worst part of tour?" She asked.

"Being away from my friends and family and especially from my girl." Shawn said. Him calling me his girl caused me to blush.

"But you don't have to be away from her anymore because she's here." I said, standing up. Shawn's jaw dropped and the crowd parted so Shawn could walk over to me.

"Babe? I thought you were at the mall." Shawn asked and said when he reached me. He put his arms around me and swayed us side to side and, even though I was 1,768 miles away from my house, I was home.

"I kind of had to lie to you because I wanted to surprise you. Are you mad?" I asked him.

"No, God no. I'm so happy right now. You're coming up here with me." Shawn said, picking me up and carrying me to the table where he was sitting. He sat me down, sat down next to me, and put his arm around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed the top of my head. "Do you want to pick the next person?" Shawn asked me. I nodded and picked someone.

"My question is actually for you Y/n, um, what's your favorite thing about Shawn?" She asked.

"Oh God, I love everything about him. But I would probably have to say his eyes. It's like they can tell me stories." I said. Shawn smiled at me and pecked my cheek. Shawn picked the next person.

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