Chapter 42 ~ Home

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Apparently I woke up screaming for Aiden.

He was by my side in an instant. 

I tossed and turned, my mind drifting in and out of consciousness as my body tried to fight off exhaustion and the stress it was put under. The events of what happened floated through my memory digging deep into my heart, leaving a permanent scar which would never heal. 

Scattered chatter woke me from the dark abyss of my mind. 


The sound of my mate made my wolf perk up, giving me the strength to open my eyes. I could only make out the brief outline of worried faces starting down at me. I was met with an overwhelming sense of claustrophobia. 

"Give her some space," I heard Bloom whisper. 

I mumbled incoherently as I tried to reconnect my brain and muscles. With the help of Aiden I was able to sit up on the bed. I looked around, noticing the lack of decor and deduced it must be one of the guest bedrooms. 

Why didn't they put me in our room?

A sharp sting in my arm made me look down to see an IV, it's tube running up to a bag filled with liquid, and a machine beeping quietly in the corner. Maybe that was what actually woke me up. 

"How are you feeling?" 

My eyes refocused on my favourite fire eyes, now barely glowing, heavy with worry.

"Fine," I coughed. He handed me a glass of water and I gladly accepted, gulping down the liquid. 

"What happened?"

"You, uh..." he hesitated. Making eye contact with Bloom made my heart rate accelerate. 

"You were kidnapped by your grandfather and held hostage," she breathed out. 

If I had any water left in my mouth I for sure would have drowned Aiden in both water and spit. I sat silent, the details swirling around in my head as it was being sorted into fantasy and reality. As of now, those that would seem to be in the fantasy category are slowly creeping in to the real section. I dreaded asking the one question that was plaguing my mind ever since I woke up.

"Did he..."

Aiden's face fell, sadness etched into the fine lines now prominent on his face from days of worry. 

"No he didn't. We got there in time."

Tears welled up in my eyes. Aiden embraced me, the touch of his skin allowing the strength of our bond to redevelop. The anxiety of the room was let out as everyone sighed, matching my reaction as I felt our bonds familiar presence in my mind. 


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