Carly's POV:
I was taking a afternoon jog around the block when I heard my cellphone ring. I stop and pulled it out and saw the caller ID. Great, the police station. I let out a sigh and answered it. "What do you guys want now?"
"Nice to hear from you too, Carly. We need you to come down again. And if you refuse, I will send some of my people to come and get you."
"I'll be there in 15 minutes." I hung up the phone and shoved it in my back pocket. So much for a jog. Once I got home I grab my keys to my new car and jumped in. I just got my licence about 2 weeks ago and my parents bought me a smart car. A freak'n smart car. I hate it but it's all I got for now. I started it and left my driveway.
When I got to the police station I saw Brutus waiting for me. He led me into the same room as before. He even had the same notebook and pen. We both sat down in the gray office chairs. Brutus had a slight smile on his face. "Ahh, doesn't this bring back memories?"
"I didn't come here to walk down memory lane, bud." I crossed my arms and stared him in the eye. I did not want to be here.
"Okay, okay," his smile faded away as quickly as it came, "well, we recorded a long distance phone call that your friend Ashley got today. Can you guess who that was?"
"Raven?" Brutus nodded. No, it couldn't be. We don't even know if she's alive.
"And can you guess where she is?"
"I couldn't tell ya."
"She said, and I quote, 'I'm in Sonic's universe!'. We also interviewed a couple people and they said they saw a 'shadow' like figure take her," He got up from his chair and walked towards the door, "I guess you were right Carly, Shadow did take her." And with that, Brutus left.
~1 week later~
Raven/Rachel POV:
It's been about a week and a half now since I got here and it's been amazing! The whole week, Sonic showed me around. First, we visited Knuckles the echidna at Angle Island. When we got there, he thought I was gonna steal the Master Emerald and started to freak out. After Sonic told him I wasn't going to steal it and the real reason why we came, he apologized. We stayed there and talked for 3 or 4 hours.
The next day we went and saw the chaotix. We talked to Vector for an hour and a half about our music tastes. Vector and I like a lot of the same music but mostly dub-step. Then, Espio showed me some ninja moves and how to use ninja stars. When I tried to use one, I almost hit sonic in the head. Hehe, oops... Finally, I had a music lesson from Charmy. Just to say, he is straight up annoying sometimes.
One day we visited Cream, her pet chao, Cheese, and her mom, Vanilla. They are a quite, yet kind family who is nice to anyone they meet. For lunch, Vanilla made us tea and sandwiches. We talked for a bit, but not for long because Cream really wanted to go and pick flowers. So I let Sonic stay as Cream pulled my hand as she ran out the door. We picked for and hour until Sonic said we were gonna go home.
I met many other people that week, but I never heard from Shadow. He didn't call me or text me but I didn't think much about it because I was so busy.
Now I'm walking to Amy's house. She invited me to a party tonight at her house and she said everyone's gonna be there. I asked Sonic to take me but he said he had something to do so he wouldn't be there till later. When I was walking up to her door, I saw a black and red motor cycle parked along the road. What if he's here? No, he couldn't. I stopped in front of her house and knocked on the door. While waiting for her to open the door, I looked at her house. It was a little bigger than Sonic's place but not by that much. It was painted light pink with white shutters and door, plus it had a few small rose bushes in the front. It had a garage attached to the side of her home which contained her car. It didn't take long for her to open the door though.
"Oh hi Rachel! Come on in, everybody's inside!"
I walked in and saw people sitting on the floor in the circle. I saw Silver, Knuckles, Cream, Rouge, Blaze, and... Shadow?!? I let out a smile as I walk over and looked for a place to sit. The only seat open was right beside Shadow. Yes! When I sat down, out of the corner of my eye I saw shadow smile a bit. Then Amy came over and sat down next to blaze. "You guys ready to play Truth or Dare? I'll go first."
Shadow's POV:
Even though I was forced to go by Silver, I was really glad I got to see Raven again. But now we have to play truth or dare. Oh chaos... Then I heard Raven's voice. "Sooo, how ya feel'n?"
"A lot better, like it never happened."
We talked like we barley knew each other because we didn't want people to know we liked each other. I wanted to keep it that way.
I was snapped out of thinking when I heard Silver say my name. "Shadow, truth or dare?"
"Come on Shadow, just pick one."
"Fine," I let out a sigh, "dare."
He had a huge smile on his face. "Alright, I dare you to....kiss Rachel!"
"What! No! I pick truth!" He must have saw us talking.
"Sorry Shadow, you can't change it after you get your dare!"
"I'm not doing it!" Now, Silver and I started to yell at each other. While we were bickering, I heard Raven mumble a few words until she said something.
"Oh gosh! Just come here!" She pulled my face over to her and our lips crash together. We started to blush the color of knuckles fur. It felt like fireworks went off. I wanted this feeling to last forever. It was only for a split second before she pushed away because we heard the door open. It was the faker.
"Duuude, Rachel likes Shadow?" He looked like he was disappointed but you could barley tell. I was curious so I read his mind. No. f*ck'n. way. He loves her too.
"No, I don't. I just did it because these two wouldn't shut up about a stupid dare!" She sounded very angry.
For the rest of the night we didn't talk at all. We didn't want people to think we liked each other more than they already did.
Around midnight, people started to go home so I went outside to start my motor cycle. When I was putting my helmet on, I saw Raven walking by herself on the sidewalk. I hurried up and got on. I went down the street and coasted slowly beside her. "You know, If ya need a ride, I always keep and extra helmet." I gave a smirk as I saw her shake her head 'yes'.
"Okay. I knew this was your motorcycle when I saw it earlier." I pulled to the side and lifted the seat up to get the helmet out. I gave it to her as I put the seat back. When we got on, I felt her hold on to me tightly. "C-can we please go slow..."
"Yeah. First time?" I started to drive down the road.
"Y-yeah. Just take a left here"
I took a right turn to my house. "What about we have a first date."
"Sounds good to m-me."
Brutus's POV:
It's been a week and I still don't know If I should do it. If I call, the press will find out. I had no other option. I walked into my office to call an old friend of mine. We used to be partners in a college class, we've been friends ever since. I sat down in my chair and dialed the number. The phone was picked up very fast and I heard his deep tone of voice. "G.U.N. Commander here."
Ah, Generald. I haven't heard your voice in a long time."
"Hello Brutus. Whats the problem?"
"I have case were a girl, named Raven, has disappeared and her friend said she saw Shadow the hedgehog take her. So today, another friend got a call from Raven and she said she was in your universe. I need you to find her before the media starts to ask if your universe is real."
"Well, Shadow is one of my top agents and he was severely injured at the time. So, I don't see how he could have done it. But I'll talk with him and see if other people here have seen her tomorrow."
When we both hanged up, I walked out and lock the door to my office. I finally get to go home and sleep without worrying.

[DISCONTINUED] Heroes Begin (A Sonic Fan Fiction)
FanfictionA lonley girl named Raven is a high school outcast. Her best friends are Carly, Emilee, and Ashley. Raven is always picked on for liking Shadow the Hedgehog and other characters. But one school day she finds a chaos emerald and her life drastically...