Ch-7 That Sameer Guy

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The next day I went to school without my assignment and with sleepy eyes. I entered the school building and was walking through the corridor when, I saw Sameer with his friends, laughing at a girl. I felt rage building up inside of me. Who gave him the right to be such a bully. And I was not even speaking up against him. I stood there watching  him with a poker face being unable to speak up. Was I even going to speak?

"What the hell is going on?" said a voice, it was the voice of the person who helped me pick up my bicycle. I can never forget that voice.

"Oh! So now Mr.Geek will even give us moral lessons?" said Sameer in a sarcastic tone turning to face Jai and started laughing.

I wanted to kill him.

Jai looked in Sameer's eyes with that fierce 'I'll Show You' look.

"Nothing gives you the right to make fun of some one," I said looking at Sameer. This is the kind of reflex action I want in my life.

"She's so right," Jai said giving me a quick glance. Our eyes met for a milisecond and my body sparked. He might have recognised me as the bicycle girl by now. He's my man.

I had real mixed feelings. The girl who had a crush on Jai was on cloud 9. The girl who hated bullies was on fire. Divya's friend was on fire too. The fire in me overtook my feelings for Jai.

Sameer was about to say something but the bell rang and we had to go to our classes.

"You better watch out," I said looking fiercely in Sameer's eyes while raising my eyebrows and remembering what he's been doing to Divya.

"You better watch out.Haha," he mockingly imitated me.

Who cares?

I gave a quick look to Jai who had a frown over his forehead and was looking over at Sameer and then I went to my classroom. I felt closer to Jai. I felt better than how I was feeling earlier.

"Trish! Where have you been?" asked Divya when I entered the classroom.

"I was dealing with your stalker," I said with a bit of smile.

"Oh okay, great. Actually Cheryl doesn't know anything about this so please don't tell her."

"Don't worry about that."

I might as well skip telling about this to Kanak.


It was recess and Kanak and I were just walking in the corridor when I saw J. He was talking to his chemistry teacher, Goyal sir. I loved this geek. I realised I'd been staring at him for about 4 seconds and I needed to look somewhere else before he catches me being creepy, but as usual, I couldn't help myself. So yeah, I was looking at him, embracing his dark eyes with mine, the way his lips moved while he talked, his hands, his hair, his jawline and his occasional smiles. His hair fell over his forehead when he looked at his shoes while laughing.

He always had a good bonding with teachers. He was an amazing senior at school to look up to. I'm glad I found him that day :

It was at the school assembly. We were to recieve certificates for our performance in academics. Our headmistress, Ms. Geeta, called out his name. I was staring at my certificate in my hand and suddenly I saw the most perfect of being approaching the stage with a smile of pride on his face. That was it. I surrendered.

When I came back to reality, I was already in my classroom. His thoughts made me forget what my body was doing. I respected him more after today's incident. He stood up for what's right and it made me overflow with pride.


I was smiling when I reached home today. I felt lucky! Mom was confused when she opened the door and found me smiling fondly at her. Usually, I'd skip seeing her and go straight to my room. But today I realized that she was my mom. I love her. Maybe it was the new me.

Danny's message was still on my phone. I wanted to know how he knew Sameer. I called him.

"Hey!" he said on the phone.

"Hi. You said that you knew about Sameer?"

"Yeah. I thought I saw him somewhere. Maybe just my imagination."

God! I was expecting something new from him.

"Oh okay."

"Bye," he said and hung-up, maybe he was pissed off at me.

I knew I was a burden on him. He couldn't help me. Why would he? I was mean. I showed my resting bitch face to myself in the mirror and felt amazingly satisfied with myself. I could never stop criticising my behaviour with people.

I comforted myself with memes but yes I felt guilty. My insecurities of being rude to people flooded. I was not this person. I didn't want to be this person. Why was I so cold to people?

I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook when a notification popped up.

"Jai Verma has accepted your friend request."

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The next chapter for sure is a turning point.

Thank you guys so much for your love! I've crossed hundred reads!!

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