Ch-23 The Letter

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"Hey!" Cheryl exclaimed when she saw me at the front door of her house.

"Hi! Would you come shopping with me?" I asked with my sparkling puppy eyes.

"Sure, bitch!" she said with a sudden sparkle in her eyes.

"Okay, then!" I said.

"Wait! Lemme get my jacket!" she said and ran inside her home, she came back after a good three minutes.

She came with me even at such a short notice. I'm glad that she started talking to me. Or else who would be the one giving me styling tips. So, I told her that I needed to buy something unique but not too over powering to wear at the new year's party. She just nodded her head like she knew exactly where I would get what I was looking for.

So we walked through the street covered with leaf-less trees from both the sides. The cold air brushing against my cheek made me feel so full of life. I can't wait for the new year's eve!

"Ohh! Look who's blushing," Cheryl said and laughed looking at me.

"What? No!" I said but my cheeks felt like they were held up by a force making it unable for me to pull up a poker face.

"Ohoo!" Cheryl teased.

"Some boy?" she asked shrugging her shoulder against mine.

"No!" I said trying to brush it off.

"Trish! You're so secretive!" she said annoyingly.

"Well, yeah!" I said and smiled at myself looking at my worn out boots.

After a few more steps, we finally reached a store that she loved.
It was not a branded showroom but the mannequins had some really mind blowing dresses on.

"Woah!" I said looking at the store from the outside.

"I know, right!" she squealed in excitement.

When we entered the warm store with colourful dresses all around, I was damn confused. I turned to Cheryl.

"So what'd you think? What would suit me?" I asked looking at her.

"Umm", she thought for a while and then said,"What about a red flowy dress?"

Ahaan! That sounds good! Sounds like a prom dress, though. But we don't have proms here so who cares, lol.

"Oh let's see!" I said

For about next half an hour we spent our time looking at the various shades, designs and cuts of red dresses.

"This!" Cheryl finally said picking up a dress and running her fingers through the smooth fabric.

"Should I try it. I might not fit in!" I doubted, considering my curvy figure.

"You will! You're fitter than you think!" she said and pushed me in the dressing room with the dress. I looked at the mirror after.  putting on the dress. I actually looked good, I mean wow.

"Dayum, girl!" Cheryl said when she saw me in the dress. I was flattered, of course.

-- -- --

"Come here to get ready tomorrow in the evening!" Cheryl said when I dropped her at her home.

"Yeah! Thanks! I hope I don't trouble you guys!" I said.

"Oh no! Me and mom would get ready too for dad's office' party, too," She said and smiled.

"Awh! Thank you so much! You're amazing!" I said and for the first time ever, I saw a friend in Cheryl.

-- -- --

It was finally the last day of the year. The wind was blowing. The clouds prevented the sun from peeking out. There were numerous people on the streets today and there was this excitement within me.

Maybe today I can confess my feelings to Jai. If he breaks my heart then my new year resolution would be getting over him.

I sat down on a chair beside my room window, I opened the window slightly to let in the cold wind. I wrote a letter to myself, for tomorrow or the first day of the next year. I folded it and kept it in the drawer beside my bed.

I called Danny.

"Hey!" he exclaimed.

"Hi! How are you, dude?" I asked.

"Super great! You know what! Jai...," he said.

"What Jai?" I said in anticipation.

And then the phone disconnected.

Wtf! What if Jai got back with Kanak? Shit! Or if he like someone else? Danny sounded excited, though.

I tried calling him again but he didn't even pick up. Shit!

I called Jai, maybe I can ask him why Danny isn't picking up my phone. But his phone was switched off! Ugh!

The peaceful morning had taken a turn full of anxiety. I tried calling Danny throughout the whole day but to no avail. I just couldn't wait for the evening. When I could finally talk to him!

Thank you for your support lovely readers ♡

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