Ch-16 Happy Birthday

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Jai's POV

I still haven't talked to Kanak. But maybe she has changed, who knows...

I thought as I was having dinner today. But I couldn't make her upset now! It was her birthday the next day. I guess I'll have to just wait. But before that I needed to get her something. I totally forgot about that!

I checked my watch, it was 8:30 already but if I'd hurry then I could get her something. Maybe a book or I don't know!

I quickly had my dinner and left for a walk.

The bookstore wasn't far from my home, so I walked till there.

The old lady at the bookstore was happy to see me. She often saw me there, I smiled at her and asked her for a book from the twilight series. That was all my mind was capable of thinking. I bought the second book new moon and then I left.

Kanak said that she likes reading so this would be fine!

"Haha! Now you wanna read teen girls' fantasy books," laughed Riya when she saw the book in my room.

"It's a gift!" I said looking at her from my bed, she held the book in her hands and was turning the pages of it.

"For Kanak, of course!" she said distastefully.

"How was your test today?" I asked changing the topic.

"It went amazing, despite you being lazy to help me!"

"I'm so sorry, Riya!" I said as I started flipping pages of my maths book, I was quite excited to complete the next exercise.

She nodded.

"Good night!" she said and went towards the door.

"Good night!" I said solving my maths equations.

She closed the door behind her, time passed by while I was solving equtions and it was almost 11:59pm. I called her.

"Hey!" she screamed on the phone, my ears.

"Happy birthday!" I whispered as to not wake up anyone at home.

"Thank you, love! Wanna meet now?"


"Now? Are you crazy?"

"Only for ya," she said. Well that's cheesy but at the same time flattering.

"Plus it's my birthday, you can't say no!"

"But it's crazy!!!!"

"Now! It's my birthday!" she demanded.

What the hell!

"Where?" I finally asked.

"At my terrace."

"Ooooh! I gotta sneak out!" I said sarcastically.

"In 15 minutes, I want you here!"


"See ya!" she said cheerfully and hung-up.

I left my room, the house was dark. I made my way to the back door with the help of my phone's flashlight. I knocked myself over the table. Luckily, no one was up. I realised how I would have been caught if Cole, my dog, was here instead of at the kennel. I miss him.

The door was locked, I opened it with my key and closed it from the outside. I took a breath of relief as I walked out of the house.

The streets weren't actually that dark due to the orange street lights. I walked in silence.

"Shit!" I said to myself when I realised that I had forgotten the book. Her home wasn't far.

I missed called her when I reached her backdoor so she could open it, I can't climb up to that terrace!

She opened the door immediately as if she was standing there waiting for me. Her home wasn't as dark as mine so it was easy to find my way through.

Her house was so big, calling it a house would be an understatement.

"Follow me!" she said cheerfully and ran upstairs.

What was I supposed to do except follow her towards the stairs, sliding my hand over the steel railing.

Her terrace was huge. With a marble flooring, it was a perfect place for parties, the air blew both of our hair in all directions amd I loved it. It was dark before she switched on the light. She stepped backwards and held my hand. Her fingers slid among mine and I got hold of them. I gave her a smile. Then, she took me to a tent? Yeah, it was a small tent.

We went inside it, I suppose it was a place where she and her girlfriends hung out. It was filled with cushions.

"Cool" I said under my breath as I sat surrounded by really comfortable pillows, running my fingers throught my hair.

"Isn't it?" she smiled and sat beside me, cheerfully.

There weren't many stars to gaze at, through the tent's net, so I turned my attention to her.

"Happy birthday," I said, "Didn't anyone else wish you at midnight?"

"Thanks!" she squealed, "Some of my friends did. Mom and Dad would wish me at 8:33 in the morning as I was born at that time."

"Hmm. Precise," I said, impressively.

"I know, right!" she said as she laid her head on my shoulder. She then slid her hand into mine, once again, I held it.

"You love me, Jai?" she asked, after a while, looking at our hands.

"I don't know" I said honestly looking at the sky.

"Do you?" I asked.

"No. Not really!" she said lightly with a faint blush.

I smiled a bit at this. I was so into her a few days ago but now I just don't trust her enough.

"Do you like spending time with me?" she asked.

"Yeah! I guess!"

"You guess?" she laughed it off.

"Do you?" I asked the second time tonight.

"I do," she chuckled.

Then we stayed in that position for about an hour, I guess, gazing at the faint stars and talking about random stuff. I checked my watch, it was 1:30am already.

I left her hand that I held, she looked at me.

"I guess I should leave," I said and she held her head up.

"See you at school?" she said while we were walking down the stairs.

"It's Saturday," I laughed.

"See you in the evening!" she said as she held the door open.

"Yeah!" I said and she closed the door with a smile.

This is the first chapter without Trisha!

So excited for Kanak's party!!!!!!

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Love you all so much, can't thank you enough.

The plot is building up for the climax, this book will have about 25 chapters :)

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