Chapter 12- Witch

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"I call her the Devil because she makes me want to sin, and every time she knocks I can't help but let her in" -Unknown

I ran as fast as I could, towards the pack house I had to go and ask Maximus what was happening. I needed answers and I needed them now. I run towards his bedroom and open the door wide open.

"What the fuck?!" I roared in anger. "Get the fuck out! Can't you see we're busy". He said with his Alpha Tone. What is happening? Why was Natalia having sex with Maximus.  Mila was going to be our Luna since she is his mate. She was changing him. I don't understand.

I quickly run over to the packs witch to see if she had any answers for me yet.

As soon as I walk in she looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry to say this Bata Adrian, but our Alpha has been poisoned. There is a powerful aura around him. A witch is controlling him.. And sadly she will ruin us all."  "How did he get the poison on him?" I waited hesitantly."it only takes one touch, there enchanted herbs that have touched his skin."she closed her eyes and prayed to the goddess. "How can I stop this?!" There had to be a way "You must kill the source." She responded. No problem, those were my intentions. I nodded and quickly ran towards the door. I had the urge to protect Mila, I hope she's ok. What am I thinking she's hurt and out there in the woods.

Once outside Of the witches home I fell at my feet, I had to think what is best for the pack. I run back into the pack house and go straight to Natalia's room. I look through all her things and come across some herbs she had under her bed. I grab all her belongings and burn them.

I want to destroy her, she is trying to bring down our pack. She comes up behind me "What are you doing?! Maximus !!!"

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Maximus roared. "This is an unacceptable way to treat your Luna!" His anger slowly boiling. "She will never be my Luna!" Adrian spat. The pack was slowly circling us.

"This mark says other wise..." she smirked while moving her hair so I could see the mark in her neck. "You left your one actual mate for this piece of trash? You brought your mate near death for what? Her? Why? Why didn't you just reject Mila? Why torture her? Why is what I can't understand?" I said in anger. She didn't deserve this. That's no way to treat anyone. The pack looked in shock and fear. Maximus is cold hearted and cruel, but he has never been one to punish someone who is not guilty especially his own mate. She had changed him so much in a little time. It had been so long since he had been happy.

"Do not forget who your alpha is, she was a rouge. She was trash a waste of space. She will never compare to my Luna." He said proudly.

"I hope you remember those words" I said knowing he's one day come to regret it...

I quickly shifted and charged at Natalia, i bit down on every part of her body I could until Maximus stopped me. I could see the blood pooling around her. I see Maximus fall to his knees.

"Where is she?" He says in a almost audible voice. "Gone." Is all I could manage to squeeze out...

"We're all in the same game; Just different levels. Dealing with the same hell; Just different Devils." -Unknown

Ughhh!!! I wanna keep writing! Xo-C

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