Chapter 3

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Skylar's POV

I looked over at the door of the cafeteria and saw Antonio walking in. I went back to staring at my table and took out a piece of paper. I started sketching on it. I left my hand to find my permanent marker but the paper flew away.

Oh no.

I stood up to grab my paper and caught it before it landed. Never mind that, it landed in front of the person I wished it would not... Brittney. Great.

"What are you doing!?" Bit-Brittney said

"S...sorry I was p...picking up my paper."

"Urgh get out of my face. As I was saying..."

I picked the paper up and went back to my seat.

I swear if she says anything rude to you I will kill her. -Snow || As much as I want you to do that we can't. || I know. -Snow

I finished up my drawing of me holding a gun with spots if blood in the back. I thought about outlining it with permanent marker put kept it in pencil in the end. I coloured in everything black, grey and white and coloured my eyes a bright red.

Skylar's Drawing:

I remembered clearly when the drawing happened

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I remembered clearly when the drawing happened...


I was going back home late from my school at age 8 in Tokyo. I was suddenly attacked by kidnappers when they thought I was a normal 8-year-old. At the age of 7, I learnt how to cover my scent and smell like a human. Didn't know why it was needed but I learnt it anyways.

My inner vampire came out and took over using a gun to take them out. The walls behind me were covered in spots of blood and I aimed the gun at last person. I looked at myself in their eyes and saw bright red eyes. I killed the man and he died a not so peaceful death.

After the incident, I left Tokyo and went back home.

End of flashback

I kept my drawing in a folder and kept it in my bag. I looked over at the table of Brittney and her friends, Noah and Antonio. Both of them know they were victims of Brittney in her 'love life'. Noah played along not knowing and Antonio never kissed her.

A smirk found its way on my face. Suddenly I heard my Wolf, Snow, and my Vampire, Silver, fighting over what was going to happen to Brittney.

Brittney is totally going to get with Antonio, then he's going to dump her. Werewolves are more capable then Vampires. -Snow || Nope you're totally wrong. Antonio will never hurt a girl. Brittney is going to get dumped by Noah and he's going to get her heart broken. Vampires are better them Werewolves. -Silver || Shush both of you I'm a hybrid of both does that mean I'm super weak. Ouch. I don't want to get my heart broken by the 2 of you. But I gotta say I agree with Silver for the first part, Antonio will never hurt a girl unless necessary. But then Noah will not break her heart. Before Noah can call it off, the bitch will call it off with him. || I guess so. Sorry. -Snow and Silver || Good. I don't want to get broken because two of my inside is hurting me with words. Plus between both of them, we are stronger because we work together. Agreed? || Agreed -Snow and Silver. || But can you let me out for a run tonight? I'm getting tired and want to get out. -Snow || Ok fine. Silver I'll let you out too but remember only animals, and at most 2. Understood? || But who goes first? -Silver || We'll let Snow run and then you can feed. || Understood. -Snow and Silver

The bell rang and I went to my locker looking up so I will not bump into Brittney. -cough- Bitch -cough- I took my books out and went to my class. I sat at the back and waited for everyone to enter.

The teacher entered and said "Sorry I'm late."

The class nodded and the class started. I saw Antonio at the front and he cracked some lame jokes and everyone laughed except me. Nobody even noticed I didn't laugh. Yay nobody noticed! Woohoo.

Th rest of the day passed by me going to the locker putting my books, getting my other books for the next class. Going to class, sitting at the back and being ignored. Finally, the last bell rang and I went out of the class. I was going to go back home when I saw Antonio talking to Brittney.

I made myself transparent and listened in on the conversation.

"So you want to go to my party on Friday? 8:00 my house all my friends are coming to Noah too!" Brittney asked

"I'd consider it beautiful. I got to go now. Would love to talk to you longer." Antonio flirted

Oh god, the nicknames. -Silver || So you heard too -Snow || Yea, her giggles were killing my ears. Beautiful giggles. Pish, rubbish. -Silver || Antonio's a flirter you guys know that... Tho I have to agree with you guys... || Yea -Snow and Silver

"Ok. I hope you come."

Brittney winked at him and left. I swear I felt myself throwing up. I made myself visible and walked home. I walked in and closed the door when I heard knocking. I used my supervision to see who was outside and saw Antonio.

I opened the door and said, "Why so late?"

"Was talking to Brittney. Ya know you're good at being shy." Antonio said

"Thanks for stating the obvious Mr Obvious guy."

"No problem Skylar!"

"Urgh anyways I need to say I know you're a flirter and all but please there's a limit. Don't tell lies it hurts my ears."

"What hurts your ears?"

"Brittney's giggles it's not beautiful like you said it is... it's how do I put it deafening."

"You heard our conversation? How?" He asked

"Oh, I don't know..."

"Oh come on."

"Nah ah don't push it."

"Fine," he said defeated

"Now go we have homework to do."

I did my homework in a few minutes and kept it so Antonio wouldn't copy.

"I'm going out to hunt say here."


I ran outside and shifted to my wolf letting Snow take over. She ran rounds and rounds and I finally shifted back to humans. I still had clothes on, unlike normal werewolves. I allowed Silver to take over and she killed 2 deer in a few minutes.

I went back to the house after I hunted and changed into my pyjamas.

I went to Antonio's bedroom and asked, "So you going to Brittney's party this Friday at 8 at her house?"

"Wait how did you know? Did she invite you too?" He asked

"She would never. Do you know our reputation?"

"What happened?"

"Well I was getting my books when she was snogging Noah infront of my locker and I asked her to move she very reluctently moved and then during lunch, I bumped into her. Noah told her to not waste her breath on me. So I got released from the clutches of the bitch."

"Wow, great way to start your first day. I knew mine was great."

"Getting the school's popular girl to fall 'in love' with you and then be in her victims of used person? I don't think so. Good night Antonio."

"Haha. Good night."

I went to bed and picked my outfit for tomorrow. I placed it on my bedside table and went to bed. My Wolf and My Vampire were both tired after running and hunting that night.


Hope you guys enjoyed! Bai ^-^

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