Chapter 1

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A/N Pic of how Skylar looks like now is on top.

Skylar's POV

First day of school. How boring.

I wore a black crop top and jeans and put on a black hoodie over. I took my sunglasses and bag before going out of my house. I slung my bag over my shoulder and placed the hood of my hoodie on. Wearing my sunglasses after.

Crop top and jeans:

________Time Skip________

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________Time Skip________

I hid my vampire scent before walking toward the door of the school and went to the office to get my schedule. After I got my schedule I walked towards my locker and opened it. I took some blood and disguised it as 'Tomato Juice' from my bag and put it in my locker.

I walked to my class early so I didn't need to introduce myself. I sat at the back of the class and people started coming in in groups. I smiled to myself when nobody sat at the back. The teacher started talking about things I already learnt and I tuned out the teacher's voice.

I looked at my paper and started drawing, letting my imagination take over me. I looked at the paper after I finished drawing it, it was a bloody knife dripping blood.

Skylar's Drawing:

Oh wait did I forget to tell you something I love knives

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Oh wait did I forget to tell you something I love knives. Wait no correction, BLOODY knives. I just love them don't ask why. I looked at my 'master piece' and placed it nicely in my folder and put it in my bag.

The teacher ended the class and everyone rushed out. I walked out from the back door after everyone left and I walked to my locker. I could have held everything on my hand and it would feel like I was holding a water bottle. Well acting like a human has it's cons. I took my book for my next period and placed back my other book.

I walked in to class and sat at the back again. It repeated until lunch. Finally! Half of hell was finally over! I walked to my locker to put my books back when I saw a guy snogging a girl who I suspect was the popular guy and popular girl.

"Excuse me but can you move?"

"I'm sorry but do you know who I am?" the person I suspected as the popular girl said

"No, but you're blocking my way."

"Then you must be new and plus you can go another way."

She was about to continue snogging the guy when I said "I'm... Sorry. But you're blocking my locker... and I don't... want to go to lunch with my books." I said trying to control my anger.

"Better be sorry."

She moved out of the way and continued snogging the guy. I cursed her under my breath and opened my locker and put my books in. I was about to go to lunch when I noticed that the guy the girl was snogging was Noah.

Ah Noah, of course he would be the popular kid with his looks and all. And of course he wouldn't recognize me I had changed in both appearance and attitude. I wasn't the little girl who needed protecting anymore, I was independent now after my parents had went.

Ooo what's that on his finger? -Snow || That's a sun ring -Silver || And what's that...-Snow || That's a ring vampires wear when they are in the sun so they don't burn and die. Mum gave him that when he first found him || Ohhh so that's what it is -Snow

(A/N Snow is Skylar's Inner Wolf and Silver is Skylar's Inner Vampire

I smirked to myself this was going to be fun. My thoughts of what I was going to do filled my mind. I have never thought so much before.

I went to lunch and I sat down in a spot near the back. It was kind of boring so I walked out when the popular girl blocked my way from going out.

"Oh, it's you again."

"Ignore her Brittney, she doesn't need your attention babe," Noah said

So her name is Brittney. A bitchy name for a bitchy person. (Sorry to those named Brittney)

"You're right Noah. I wouldn't want to waste my precious breath on her."

Precious breath my ass. -Snow || I have no comments on that.

"Sorry I'll go now."

"I hope I don't see you again and if I do I'm pretty sure you'd be dead."

Dead? Well, I'll kill you first before you can touch Skylar with those filthy hands of yours you bitch -Snow || Aggressive now. Come on we can't kill her or we'll be found out now let's go. || Okay. -Snow

"I'll go now. Sorry for being in your way."

"Good. Now shoo."

I walked away trying to hold back an eye roll.

Who want's to be in the wrath of a bitchy person? She's sooo annoying. -Sonw|| For once I think you are fully right. || I'll be surprised if she had more than that to her. || Yea. -Silver

I walked out to my locker and took my sunglasses out and putting it on. I took my books for the next period and walked towards my class. Sitting at the back like usual, standing up only when everyone left and went to their lockers and going to the next class.... sitting at the back.

After it repeated for the rest of the period and I walked out of the class. The first day of going to high school unnoticed fail and passed. In classes, I was unnoticed by everyone and ignored. YAY! In the cafeteria just now I was noticed by the popular girl Brittney. YAY! (Note the sarcasm)

I went to the dark alleyway and saw two people at the end of the alley. Using my night vision I saw the bitch and another guy, not Noah, kissing. I knew it she was a slut.

Slut. -Silver || I know. || Urgh she 'cheated' on Noah. Slut and bitch. -Snow || I bet ya Noah already knew but anyways... Slutty bitch or bitchy slut? || I don't know. I can't choose... I'll say both. -Snow

I mentally nodded and walked out of the alleyway towards my house. After no one was there to notice me I sped through and got home on time... not like anybody will catch me late anyways. I walked in and locked all my doors and started on my homework, finishing it in a few minutes.

I went out to hunt since it was so boring. I walked out and heard the sounds of a deer's heart. I smirked and launched myself toward the deer. Being the strongest creature in the universe I killed the deer in a swift movement and drained its blood I left it to perish with the amount of blood it needed.

I walked back home and sat in my chair. What to do now. Huh. I decided to just choose what I was going to wear the next day. Walking into my bedroom's walk-in closet I chose my outfit for tomorrow and left it on my bed.

I walked to the kitchen seeing a picture of the young me so innocent being protected with her parents behind her. Having light brown hair and a big smile, always needy of my parents... not knowing what is going to happen.

Now here I am with light blonde hair and blue tips, acting like I am weak although I am the strongest creature in the universe. I sighed. I hate having to act weak, I could beat her up in one second before she could even comprehend what happened.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door...


Hehe... hope you guys enjoyed! Luv you guys!

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