Chapter 12

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Skylar's POV

Oddly familiar... || What cha thinking bout? -Snow || Hm... Nothing. || C'mon it was something along the lines of oddly familiar... || It's nothing actually do you know anything about any Andrew families out there? || Andrew? Hmm rings a bell but I don't remember. Silver you know anything? -Snow || Andrews? Based on what know... there's no family with the last name Andrew. -Silver || Weird... Is there anything else may be not the family name but any person with the name An-

"Anybody knows how to answer this question?" the teacher asked

I looked at the board. Hmm simple. 28

"That's correct."

The class started applauding. I gave a questioning look but returned back to my natural look. I took out a notepad and wrote a note to self, never say your thoughts out loud or the class may go wild. I placed back my notepad and decided to look at the board.

Oops, I said that out loud || Hey Skylar! -Silver || Yea? || I found something! Well, there is a person named Andrews and he got killed. || By who? || Well... um, that's unknown.

I turned to Jake and looked at him. A secret I want to uncover. You're hiding something and I don't like it one bit.

When school was finally over, I decided to go back home first and find out more then. I was on my way home... walking when suddenly a hand went over my mouth. I didn't scream, I didn't need to, I bit his hand and he let go.

He was wearing a mask so I couldn't see who he was. I took out my hidden knife and used it to uncover his mask. "Jake?"

"Aww, you caught me. Your bite is so... so- Ouch"

"That's for covering my mouth. Stupid."

"C'mon please why are you so mean." He pouted

"You don't look good pouting."

"Tell me then what fits me?"

" I don't know? What does? I guess nothing because they look ugly on you."

He touched his heart and said, "Why you so mean. I heard you were the shy girl and then I get stabbed at the heart."

"Haha. But... Do entertain me with your real last name. There is no family with the name Andrew out there. Or maybe your real name as much."

"You're so smart just like your mother. But she was still dumb to go marry that brother of mine. "

"What do you mean? Are you my... my uncle? No, you can't be he's dead. All of them are..."

"Maybe I am but just in another body." He caught hold of my face when I wasn't paying attention. "You do know that one of your uncles turned 3 people. You're so smart and you found 2 of them."

"What are you stating?" I asked

"Well, I guess that'll be for you to find out." He said back. Before I could ask him more he vanished out of my sight.

What just happened? -Snow || I think Skylar here just found her uncle. -Silver || I guess I just did. I wonder how'd he know it was me. So many more mysteries. || Hmm I guess there is. -Silver

I went back home. I took out the homework and started doing it. I decided to find out more about what my uncle said. I searched the name Andrew and I saw a news that said 'Dead body found. Animal attack.'

Animal attack? I clicked on the news and read it:

Animal Attack at Woodville's forest.
A dead body was found at Woodville's forest. It had scratches and had lost lots of blood. Doctors suspected it to be an animal attack. The body was unfortunately found too late to be saved. Police request that people stay away from the forest until the animal is captured.

The person's family was interviewed and they said, "Our son, Andrew, was a forest lover. He always went to the forest so when he went on the day itself we were not worried. On the other days he went to the forest, he was fine. We were very sad to hear that he was dead. We never thought that \he would die by an animal attack. If we had known there was a ferocious animal in the wild we wouldn't let him go."

We are very sad for Andrew and we hope that he is in a better place.

I closed out of the tab. So that's how he died... Animal attack...I'm having tough luck trying to believe it. || I heard that nobody else was named Andrew because the families didn't want their kids to die because of an Animal Attack. -Silver || That's just going too far.

I searched for any more animal attacks but there was none other then Andrew's This is ridiculous. After the news report, there was no more 'animal attacks'. Are you kidding me? Uncle, are you the doing of this?

I sighed. "Hey, I heard if you sigh so much you'll grow older faster."

"And who the heck told you that?" I asked annoyed

"Chill. You really need a chill pill... like Lucas."

"Oh hey! What did Lucas chat with you about."

"Things it's guy stuff so you don't need to bother about it."

"I never thought of the day you would keep a secret from me. Well never mind that just proves you're a good friend. What did Bitc- Brittney talk about at your table?"

"Well.... she only talks about her and herself."

"Wow. Such a cool topic." I said with obvious sarcasm not trying to hide it.

"Yea I know right!" He said joining me in our sarcasm talk.

It was getting late and Antonio decided it was time to go to bed. I nodded my head and went to my room. I got changed and laid down on my bed.

I was thinking since uncle said something along the lines of Mother falling in love with his brother, my father, then does that mean he fell in love with her? I wonder


Woot! Another story. :) What cha think? I hope you likey! Bai! ^-^

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