Chapter 17

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Skylar's POV

I decided to do something else since the line was so long. I went to the nearest 7 eleven and decided to just buy a slushy.

I was about to get a cup when I noticed that all of the drinks were out of stock. Come on can this day get any worse? I think the way I die is by boredom. Such a boring way to die. No action at all.

Since there is nothing to do why not go to Lauren's party? -Snow || Again. I don't like parties... || C'mon. Please for... m- no I mean for the sake of you not from dying from boredom. -Snow || You do know I won't actually die from boredom right? || Come on please. -Snow || Oh fine. || YES! -Snow

I decided to contact Lauren. I have her number since that day they came to my table. She came up to me and said, "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything. I hold great parties too. Hehe." I nodded and said thanks before going off.

I called her and waited for her to answer...

"Hey, it's me, Skylar... Oh, yea I heard you are having a party and I have nothing else to do so yea... Oh, then that's great... Ah, I see... Mm-hum, yea thanks."

"Hmm... So it is a costume party." I mumbled to myself. I decided to dress as a black cat... cuz I mean why not?

Skylar's Outfit/Costumes:

I wore my outfit and proceeded to go to the venue of the party

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I wore my outfit and proceeded to go to the venue of the party. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it.

I walked in when the door opened. I mumbled thanks before going further in. I spotted Lauren and I waved at her. 

She came by and patter my back before saying, "Glad you came. Nice outfit by the way. I'm guessing it's a cat. Hehe, who am I kidding it obviously is."

I smiled shyly at her before I asked if I could get a drink. She told me to follow her to her bedroom to take one instead since most drinks in the kitchen would be spiked. She said it was common knowledge that people spike drinks at parties.

I mumbled thanks and took the drink. I took my drink with me downstairs and was sipping it. "Hey. Where'd you get that drink? I know for a fact that the drinks are all spiked here." Oh, it's... Joles "I got it from Lauren." I replied bluntly. 

"Oooo the hoster of the party. You know her?" He asked excitedly. I nodded and hummed an 'Mm-hum.' before walking to the kitchen.

I was sitting on the kitchen table my leg swinging when suddenly a person came towards me and said, "What are you doing here is alone. Why don't you come with me?" "No thanks." "Eh? Who do you think you are to decline me?" He took hold of my wrists to escape.

I noticed that people were staring. Are humans attracted to trouble that much? "A  person with 'rights to not follow you and the rights to decline you," I said before freeing myself and walking away.

I heard the Oooohhhhhhs and rolled my eyes. I guess they are. Mostly for what the victim will do. Humans are so... naive. They don't know what will happen to them. Do they?

I finished my drink and threw it into the bin without looking. I was about to take a sit when I heard a crash. Wow, what is it now? This is so troublesome. I looked to where the sound was from and saw my uncle.

"Uncle," I mumbled but everyone heard me and looked to see where it came from. I hid in the shadow but uncle saw me. He smirked and said a sorry for disturbing before walking to me. He was still in Andrew's body so nobody paid attention to it.

"Why are you here uncle?" "Ohh... I don't know to start a fight maybe?" "You don't look like one to start a fight." "Come with me and I won't"

"And she most definitely won't," three voice said at once

"I wonder who's that?" my uncle said childishly. "I still stand to my point that if you hid as a child you'd trick people more easily," I mumbled to myself but uncle still heard. "But if I did... I won't be able to see you," he replied sadly. "Mm-hum I still stand to my point."

"Hello? I'm still here ya know," they said at the same time too.

"So noisy." my uncle stated "Mm-hum." I agreed with him. "HEY!" They shouted at the same time. Luckily the music was on the loudest point and nobody heard them.

"Why'd you want to take me in the first place uncle?" I asked him. "Hmmm. I want you to come with me. No questions." he stated. They wanted to say something but I raised my hand to silence them.

"That was the question I asked. Questions are meant to be answered." "Why should I tell you?" "You're answering with a question." "Hmph." "The fact that you act like a child but you're supposedly older then I am is bothering me." "Let's talk outside."

"That won't be needed. She can stay here!" They fought back.

"Since you guys are so worried why not follow along," he said. "Never thought you'd say that. Let's go to my house then."

I brought them there and Lucas was confused since I brought them to MY house but he knows it as ANTONIO'S house.

"This is going to be a pain to explain," I muttered. I saw my uncle nod from the corner of my eye. "Well let's go outside instead. We don't know when this might get physical."

We walked to the forest outside and I explained to Lucas what the situation was with me and Antonio without telling my actual identity. The conversation was basically like...

"So... me and Antonio live together..."

"Wait so you guys are like uh siblings or something like that?

"No... We're-"

"Wait don't tell me you guys are dating."

"-childhood friends and he lives with me since he doesn't have a house when he moved back here."

"Ohhh... So you guys are not dating or you know."

"No, we're not. So can you please stop asking?" I was getting irritated by this conversation but luckily he stopped. I heard him sigh in relief


I hope you likey this chappy. BAI! ^-^

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