Chapter 4

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Skylar's POV

I woke up and went to take my clothes from my bedside table. I looked at the time and saw it was 2:00 in the morning.

Looks like I need lesser time to regenerate now. || You're regenerating so fast, you don't even need to next time. -Silver. || I guess so. || No need to guess, I know so and you're able to be in the sun without any of those pendant thingys that Noah wears you're dead strong. -Silver || Hehe. I guess I'll just go hunt then. || No can do. You ain't getting blood on your school clothes. Not wanting to have any risks now do we. -Silver || Fine.

I took my hunting clothes and put them on. I walked out and saw a deer roaming around. I pounced on it and drained the deer, leaving it to perish. I went back and changed into my school outfit.

It consisted of a plain white tee, a black leather jacket, black miniskirt and finished off with a pair of black converse.

I looked at the time and saw it was 3:00 I went out and ran around. I went back and looked at the time 4:00. Great nows the time to wake Antonio up.

I walked to Antonio's room and woke him up. I went outside to let him change. When he came out it was roughly 5:00. We had 3 more hours before school started. We talked.

"So what did you do when you went to Cali without me."

"Hey. I'll bring you to California next time ok." Antonio said putting his hands up to surrender

"Ok. So what did you do?"

"Well, I searched for things to do... mainly work stuff."

"Well, I'm lucky I didn't follow. Work is sooo boring."

We talked about random stuff and it was finally 7:30

I walked to school first and Antonio followed behind slower, to not attract attention. I walked to my locker and took my books out. I walked away from my locker and went to my class. I sat at the back again and started sketching a fused demon and angel.

I saw the fused angel and demon on the internet a thing created by humans and a person had edited an 'Angel' and 'Demon' fused together. I redrew the internet version with my pencil and kept it in my folder of drawings after it was finished.

I went out of the class and was going to take my books for the next class when I saw everyone surrounding 2 people. I used my vision and saw Noah and Brittney. I stood at the back watching and using my Hearing to hear what they were talking about.

Using my vision I saw throught the cracks of the people surrounding and listened.

"Noah." I heard an annoying voice say

"Yes?" Noah replied

"Let's break up," Brittney said

-Alot of shocked voices from everyone.- I just rolled my eyes and continued listening.

"But why."

"I think we need a break."

"Oh... ok'

OMG Skylar, you're right. -Snow || Of course, I am. || How'd you know? -Silver || I guess I just expected it from her with her attitude. || Well I guess that's just the act of a person like her. -Snow

I mentally noded and listened in the conversation.

-Another round of shocked voices- while I rolled my eyes again.

"I understand. I guess I'll go now," he said faking a sad voice but I knew him since we were young and I knew he expected it.

He walked away and many girls started gossiping about 'How'd you think I'll get him to get with me' and 'Who do you think he'll date next. Probably me.' and 'OMG I can't believe Brittney broke up with him.' and "Brittney did the right thing. He didn't deserve her.' Beleive it or not there was more.

I rolled my eyes and walked to class. I sat at the back and waited until class started. When the teacher came in he heard the noise and gave up trying to call the class to quieten down. It was kinda like a free period so the class was very noisy.

I looked out of the door with my 'x-ray' vision and saw Brittney and another guy, not Antonio nor Noah, kissing. I felt like puking but being a vampire I couldn't. There was a form given out saying that the next Wednesday was the Halloween party after school since it was Halloween on Wednesday.

The class became noisy with voices of people saying what they were going to dress up as. I tuned them out and drew on my paper. The classes passed and I was walking out of school head down when I bumped into someone. Lucky me. I hope it's not Brittney. I looked up and saw Noah. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh hi, I see you must be the new girl. You're being ignored lately unlike the other guy." Noah said to no one to be exact

"Uh... ok..."

"Wanna come over to my house?"


"It's ok if you don't want to."

"So... I'll be going then."

"Ok," he said sounding sad and I know for real, he was actually sad.

"You sound sad,"

"Well, I wanted to get to know you more..."

"Fine, I'll come."


I faked a laugh and followed him. He entered and called me to come in. I stepped in and looked at his house.

So thats where he went after he left.

"So... uh how long have you been living here?"

"About when I was 6."

"How about your parents."

"They died."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's ok. So tell me something about yourself."

"Well I like the colour black in clothing, but black isn't actually a colour... so I like Blue," I stated

"Oh, I see I like the colour red."

Typical Vampire. -Silver || What do you mean? -Snow || All vampires like the colour red because it is the same colour as blood. || Oh I see. -Snow

"Cool colour."

"Yea I know. Ya know, people going to start noticing you if you just allow people to see you. How did you escape from being noticed anyway? News travels fast in our school, no new person would be unnoticed."

"I came to class early everytime and the techer dosen't notice me since I sit at the back where there is no light so they don't know there is a new student."

"That's smart of you. I wished I had done that."

"Hehe." I laughed innocently

Noah's POV

We talked more until she had to leave. After she left my inner vampire started talking to me

So her name's Skylar too. You're thinking about Skylar aren't you -Rune || Yea. How'd you know || You miss her after you left you've been thinking about her the while time. -Rune || Shut up. || She dosen't even looks like Skylar. -Rune || I know. So that just proves she's not Skylar. || Yea. But admit it you miss her. -Rune || Urgh. Shut up!

I shoved Rune to the back of my mind and wandered around my house. I took out blood from the secret compartment of my fridge and started drinking.


Soooo how'd you like Noah's POV? And hope you like this chappy! Bai ^-^

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