Chapter 18

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Skylar's POV

"So uncle... why are you here?" I asked my uncle again. "Well like I said at the party... I want you to come with me."

"She will NOT be coming with you!"

"You have some very protective friends you have there." Uncle said while wriggling his eyebrows at the word 'friends'. I rolled my eyes and said, "I think we can settle everything here."

"No. You coming with me is absolutely needed." Before I can say or do anything they interrupted me, "Her coming with you is definitely not needed."

"I still insist that people should not interrupt others when they are going to say or do something," I muttered under my breath. "Sorry," they said concurrently.

"Since you won't come with me willingly... Then I'll have to resolve to other methods to get you to come with me." "You know we still can hear you right?" My uncle nodded and he teleported away.

"Wait... you called him uncle... right? And where did he go?!!" Lucas asked. "Yea..." I answered. "How is he so young but still you uncle? And... again, where did he go?!" "The explanation is unnecessary."

Don't want him knowing there is vampires know do we?

"Let's go back to the party. Your sister might be finding you." Noah stated. "Why are you here anyway?" Lucas asked him. "That's my problem for me to figure out." 

"Hmph. Popular kids thinking that they are so superior." Lucas mumbled the last sentence. "I am not!"

"Hey, guys... let's stop fighting. How about you guys go back. I need to go somewhere." Oh, yea today is his mother so-called death day. "And your mother is still alive for all you know," Lucas and Noah couldn't hear since they were still busy arguing.

Joles heard what I said and widened his eyes but he went back to his normal expression and said, "Yea, of course, she still is. She's overseas! I said that in class!" 

"Yea like I don't know your parents are dead. But heads up, your mother is still alive so don't be so scared if you see her walking about." I saw Joles nod from the corner of my eye.

"So she is still alive." I heard him mutter before walking away. Lucas and Noah finally stop fighting and asked, "Wheres the other guy?"

"HIs name is Joles and he said he's going somewhere." "Oh. Let's go back to the party," They said. "I think I'll stay here. Tell Lauren that the party was nice for me."

"Her ego is already big," Lucas mumbled under his breath. "Didn't know she had one," I said and went into the house without looking back.

I went back in and decided to do some research on my family. "I wonder what relationship father had with Uncle."

I looked to my left and to my right before going on my laptop. (A/N Idk why but eh let us not question.) I was bored... and decided to search on Vampires. Although I was one I wanted to see how people see vampires.

I saw a movie that was called Twilight and decided to check it out. Once I clicked on it, somebody clicked out. I looked back to see who it was and saw Antonio.

"Don't watch that. It just destroys you guys. Disgusting." "How'd you know that?" I asked him. "I heard people talk about the movie. Just thinking back to what they said makes me shiver," He faked a shiver and looked at me before saying, "Seriously don't." 

"Ok. I won't" I put my hands up to surrender and clicked out of the movie. Antonio walked out of the house and I started to wonder... When did he come back? I so didn't hear him coming. Ah well... maybe he had been back before. Eh

I enlarged the vampire book and flipped the pages back and forth. I'm wondering... if this book has a secret ability... Eh. I just flipped back and forth again. I was about to close the book when something caught my eye.

I flipped back trying to find the page but couldn't. "Dang. I swear I saw something," I mumbled under my breath. I looked around to see if there was anything to do but there wasn't so I decided to just go rest.

-Time skip brought to you by the author with the ability to do it-

I woke up again to see that it was quite early. (A/N Dang I lost track of the days.)  The school was starting again today...or what I meant was that the weekends have come to an end and weekdays are starting again... Yay!...

I took out my phone and started playing. I got ready for school and went to Antonio's room and knocked. "Wakey Wakey! It's going to be school!" "Shut up! I still wanna sleep!" "Oh... Then... I guess I shall have to wake you up myself..." 'I'm up!" "OK!"

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I ate the sandwich and made extra for... myself when I get back. Yea what do you think? That I made it for Antonio? Psh yea.

"Hey is that sandwich for me?" "Oh speak of the devil." "I'm a  werewolf..." "I know that." "Then why did you call me a devil?" "Nevermind. And this is for me, myself and I not for you. There's not enough for you." 

A minute passed and Antonio was making his sandwich before he opened his big mouth and said something stupid, "I can't wait till we get to school." "Why?" "So that that mouth of yours will stay shut." "Heh."

I rolled my eyes and looked at him with a bored look. I looked at his sandwich to see that he was trying to fit it into his mouth. "Don't tell me you can't make a sandwich," I said. Antonio was about to say something back but I took a fork and stabbed the sandwich.

I shook my head and he took small bites of the sandwich while mumbling about how he could have made his sandwich smaller. "I swear people say that to others, not to themselves." I mumbled under my breath.


I hope you likey tis chappy! Bai! ^-^

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