Chapter 10

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Skylar's POV

I brought him in and I sat on a chair while waiting for him to awake.

"Skylar! You're here... I wonder why... did you miss me and decide to visit me?"

"Oh of course! I missed you so much!" I said sarcastically

"Awww. Thanks!"

"Now the real reason I'm here. Well, this guy is a vampire. You know who it is?"

"Maybe. Get him here."

"Oh, and by the way, Joles is back," I said looking at my nails. At the corner of my eye, I saw her move. "Anything wrong?"

"Huh. No, not at all. Sorry if I made you worried"

"Ok." I knew that something was wrong but I decided to put it aside first. "I'll be back later I need to get something."

I went back home and got my Vampires book. It had the same concept as the Werewolf book except that it was about Vampires. I flipped the pages over and over again but couldn't find any page with names except for mine and Noah's.

Unregistered Vampire. Wow. || But Skylar. I thought all vampires alive were registered. -Snow || It doesn't work like that. Skylar's parents had to register Noah after he was turned because his master, the person who turned him, died. -Silver || Wait so how exactly does it work? And how'd you know? I thought the book was kept a secret from Skylar. -Snow || I'll explain it later.

I shrunk the book and kept it in my pocket. I walked to the previous house while explaining to Snow how the book worked.

So basically, if you are a pure Vampire you will get automatically registered into the book. If you are turned and after your transformation of becoming a vampire is complete, and your master is still alive, you will also be automatically registered like a pure vampire. But if you are turned and your transformation is complete and while your transformation was completed, your master dies, you will not be registered and you have to be by touching the book with your finger which has blood. Simple.

And I somehow saw my parents registering Noah that day... well not that much of me... Silver smelled blood and called me to go downstairs. I was scared so she took over me. She told me what she did and she was sorry after she did it.

We had reached the house and I walked in. "He's an unregistered vampire," I whispered to her ear.

"What! Oh, we need to register him now. Oooo so exciting. I can't wait to see it. Did you bring the book?"

"You do know if you're not a vampire you can't see the book right."

"Oh right. But the process is exciting... I mean I haven't seen one in the process before so..."

"Yea yea."

I took out my knife and cut his finger. I opened the book and placed his bloody finger on it. I saw his name appear under Noah's. Oooo same master as Noah's. We're going to have fun!

"So? Who turned him?"

"You're Joles's mother right?"

"What?... What gave you that idea...." she laughed nervously.

"So you are! Yes! You do know he thinks you're dead right."

"I know. I'm such a bad mother. I couldn't be there when he needed me."

"It's fine. Don't worry so much about it."

She started sobbing and the man awoke. I patted her on the back.

"Where am I..."

"Oh, you're at my house!"

"Who's that?"


I budged in before they could say anything else "So what's your name?"

"And if I told you. You would report me straight away."

"Your name is Mike right?"

"What? No..." He said scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Ok, Mike. You're a vampire right?"

"Wait you don't really believe in vampires right.. hehe... I mean vampires are just mythical creatures..."

"That gets hunted down by vampire hunters in the past but now all the original vampire hunters are all dead. But then there is still their children who pursue the same achievement which is to be the best vampire hunter out there."

"Wait... Are you a vampire hunter? Please... please don't kill me..." Mike said stuttering the last sentence

"Oh, I wouldn't want to. If I do I'll just be endangering one of the most endangered species."

"Wait if you're not a vampire hunter... how do you know vampires... are you a werewolf? Wait no werewolves are mostly dead... but you have the aura of a human. You don't have an aura of a vampire at all."

"Well let's just say that my identity is best kept unknown to the world."

Mike pointed at the woman and said, "And who's she?"

"Oh me? I'm Lizzy! Nice to meet you, Mike! To answer your question before... this is my house! Do you want to explore? This is my living room or I like to call it chatting room!"

"Ok, Lizzy enough. We came for serious business."

"Oh yes of course," she said turning serious again.

"Ok good, but now we need answers from Mike the most. Mike who turned you? Although I may have the answer already I'd like to confirm my answer."

"I can't remember that clearly but I do remember a man with dark brown hair. Almost black. There was a woman with a man there too. I remember I heard him say 'So how is your daughter? I hope my brother is taking good care of you.' and I heard her reply 'He's taking great care of me and my daughter's name is Sky-' that was all I heard when I felt a burning sensation in my throat and couldn't concentrate on what they were saying anymore."

"I see. Thank you. You can go now. Although I'm pretty sure Lizzy would love you over at hers"

"Hey don't leave me here!" he said and tried to catch me when Lizzy held onto him. I felt Lizzy's playful smile.

I pretended not to hear him and plugged in my earphones. I walked back home and sat on my bed. I enlarged the vampire book to its normal size and flipped to the page which had my family tree.

Another mystery to keep me awake for the night. I wonder...


So... I hope you likey this chappy. Bai! ^-^

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