Uncle's Ending

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"So have you chosen who you want to be with? You can go with The human, the werewolf, the vampire or if you want you can stay me!" My uncle said.

"Fine. I have chosen. I choose..." Skylar said

Skylar's POV

"My uncle," I said finishing my sentence. "What?!" They said at the same time. "Sorry guys." "We're going to have such a fun time bonding! We never got well before. More I barely met you before!" Uncle said happily

"Phew." They said together. "What were you guys thinking? That she has a vampire child with her uncle? Ew. It wasn't that weird when I was thinking it." He mumbled the last part. He stuck out his tongue pretending that he was going to vomit.

"Uncle... What is your name?" "Wait?! You don't know your own uncle's name?!" Lucas exclaimed. "Didn't you hear that he barely met her before? Are humans that deaf?" Joles said.

"Oh, yea. We have to erase your memories!" Uncle said pointing at Lucas. "Wha-" before he could finish a word he got punched and welcomed to darkness by Joles.

"You didn't have to punch him you know?" Noah said. "I know. But, we wouldn't want him to have memories of us but none on ending up here and him actually ending up at here." Joles said trying to explain.

"Sorry I lost you at But," Noah said. "Nevermind. You were dumber than I thought." I shook my head while Uncle looked at the scene and looked like he was about to go get popcorn. "Let's just get this over with. Kay?"

"Yea." Noah and Joles said nodding each not being able to stand each other.

We brought him to his house and erased his memories. Joles and Noah left and each waving before going.

I ended up moving over to my uncle's and having to explain a bunch load of things to Antonio but I was pretty sure he dozed off in the middle.

I took my things and went to Uncle's house. Something suddenly went to my mind. Who is the third person he turned?

I went in and sat on the couch. He walked in and I opened my mouth to ask when he said, "Andrew." "How did you know?" "Mind reader. Did I forget to tell you that?" "Yep." "Oops."

"But then... how are you able to go into his body? I thought to replace a body the person must be dead." "Ah. You forgot one thing. Vampires were never alive in the first place, meaning they are dead."

I nodded learning not one but two things, 1. My uncle is a mind reader and 2. You can control a vampire's body because they are dead. I didn't think I was going to learn anything here. I guess this choice is going to have a lot of unexpected happenings.


This ending just made me question something. 

They say Vampires are immortal. If vampires were dead and an inanimate object is also dead does that mean it is immortal?

If the answer is, no, does that mean that vampires are actually just dead instead of them being immortal? Or should vampires be categorised as undead? 

If a vampire, a dead person, can be killed again, does it stand for objects too? Can a tree which was once a living thing that is turned into wood, be 'killed' again?

These are just some of my questions. And that I believe might never be answered like the 'which comes first? Chicken or egg' questions. 

So dwell no longer and you shall fully depart from this story. BAI! ^-^

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