Chapter 20

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Skylar's POV

"Oooo! We have company! YAY!" My uncle said happily.

"Why do you act so much like a child uncle?" I asked him. He only shrugged. "Hello?! We're here you know?" "We know." Uncle and I said at the same time.

We stared at each other kind of daring each other to say that word. "Tell us why you brought Skylar here?! And who are you?" "Aren't you supposed to... you know to ask the name before everything else?"

I just shrugged. And they looked at me like I was crazy. Lucas crazily took a knife and aimed it at uncle. He threw the knife hoping that it would reach him. Uncle easily caught the knife since he was a vampire.

"Hehe. Nice throw!" "But what? I threw the knife at a speed that humans won't be able to catch it at. Unless... you're not human... WHAT ARE YOU?!"

"So many questions. Tsk tsk tsk. So boring... but let's say that I'm not human and so are the others." "What?!" Lucas exclaimed

Lucas was about to get shot by a fireball when Joles pushed him away. "Wait. What? You were standing like so far away. You wouldn't have been able to get to me if you were human."

"Come on vampire," Joles said, his anger coming out. "Vampire? But don't those things exist only in folklore?"

"This is getting fun!" "Are you a sadist?" I asked uncle and he shrugged. "Noah you stupid guy why aren't you helping. Of course, humans are so helpless." Joles said mumbling the last part.

"I can't... he's my... my master.," Noah said stuttering in the last part, "I...I thought you... you died..."

"Heh. Do not underestimate your master little one." Uncle said proudly. "You're so full of yourself," I mumbled under my breath.

"Skylar stay out of this we don't want you getting hurt," Lucas said. "Says the person who almost died," I said

"Are you really Skylar?" Joles and Noah asked. I turned to them and was about to say something when Lucas said, "Of course she is. What other Skylar is out there."

"Plenty," My uncle started and continued again, "Though.. not many are spelt as S-K-Y-L-A-R." I rolled my eyes and saw Joles trying to charge at him from the corner of my eye.

A battle had started. (I can't write weird battle scenes with magic and stuff.) You know how they say, as fast as it started it ended quickly.

However, this was not the exact situation. We had started the battle slowly, things being confusing to Lucas and Noah just standing there 'watching' although he wanted to help with defeating uncle.

The battle had also ended slowly. Joles got injured quite badly and like him, Luas did too. Lucas, however, was worse since he was only a human, he didn't have good regeneration skills like vampires and werewolves.

"Stop it!" was what ended the battle. Noah's voice could be heard. He didn't want anyone else to be injured. He was also guilty that he couldn't do anything. "Why did you start fighting?" he was about to break into tears.

I'm guessing that his family dies in a battle and he got turned into a vampire by my uncle after. So that was why he hates battles with the strong anger.

"I didn't start it. The human started it," Uncle said trying to sound innocent when he had done a huge impact of damage to them.

"Why did you bring me here in the first place?" "Well, I was going to say when those three barged in," he said pointing to them one by one.

"Well... you know the vampire race is going to end soon if... humans go against vampires and werewolves... They might be extinct too! So as my niece, I wanted you to choose a guy of your liking!" He said cheerfully.

"You can't force people into getting into relationships." "Well... I can now! Mwahaha. So... who do you choose?"

"Wait! Niece so does that mean that Skylar is also a mythical creature?" "Mythical creature sounds like unicorns and those kinds of things," I said sticking out my tongue. "Don't girls like unicorns and stuff?" He mumbled under his breath

"But to let you know... basically, my uncle, the one you fought with, is a vampire and I am his niece which makes me into a vampire but... I was cursed and I became a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Joles and Antonio are werewolves. Noah is a turned vampire and his master, the one who turned him, is my uncle. Werewolves and vampires are supposed to be enemies but when humans brought up a fight with us, we decided to put our differences aside and work together. However, they still got killed by the hunters. Simple."

"Oh... k... How is that simple?" Lucas mumbled the last part under his breath.

"So have you chosen who you want to be with? You can go with The human, the werewolf, the vampire or if you want you can stay me!" My uncle said.

"Fine. I have chosen... I choose..."



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