Lucas's Ending

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"So have you chosen who you want to be with? You can go with The human, the werewolf, the vampire or if you want you can stay me!" My uncle said.

"Fine. I have chosen. I choose..." Skylar said

Skylar's POV

"Lucas." Skylar finished her sentence. "ME?" Lucas said pointing to himself. I nodded and he ran towards me and hugged me. "Thank you," Lucas whispered. I hugged him back and we released each other.

I saw the sulks on Noah's and Jole's face and I pretended to not see it. They saw me looking and flashed me a smile. I was glad it was real. "I really hoped that you chose us but we're fine with your decision as long as you're happy," They said at the same time.

"Did you guys practice a script or what?" Lucas joked. They scratched their neck and just laughed. "Oh and if you hurt her. We will NOT hesitate to come after you." They said again. 

Lucas shivered and said, "That will never happen after you said that. Not that it ever will even if you guy's didn't" "Good. I hope you treat her well." Noah said smiling. 

"Oh! And I hope you give her back her ability to have emotions again," Uncle said.

"Uncle!" I shouted. "You didn't tell them? Woopsy." Uncle said. "What?! You ost your ability to have emotions?" They said in sync. "No... I still have the ability to do so. I just hide it." I said lying easily until... 

Uncle bumped in and said, "LIES! ALL of it is lies! Let me tell you..." He then explained how I lost my emotions and stuff.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Noah and Joles said at the same time. "You didn't even know I was a vampire that time," I said directing it to Joles. "You didn't say," he said defending himself. We started arguing about who was right and I won.

YAY ME! I invited Antonio over and explained to him what had happened and he nodded every time. I don't know if that is called good listening or not but eh. They greed if Lucas did anything bad to me they would NOT hesitate to go after him.


The rest shall be decided by you. (Basically whatever you imagine will happen happens) BAI! ^-^

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