Chapter 19

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Skylar's POV

We went to school separately and I couldn't stop thinking about what uncle had said. I wonder if I will see him today. I went my way when suddenly I bumped into someone.


What do you think? I hope you liked this chappy! Sorry but this is a great cliffhanger and I hate reading a book and then there is cliffhangers... but when I am writing one it is so different. Forgive me for writing such a short chapter. I better go before I get killed... Bai! :P

Who am I kidding?


"Oh sorry Joles. What are you doing here?" "You said that you know that my mother is still alive. Where in the world is she?" "Does Lizzy ring a bell?" "Lizzy... Lizzy... that's my mother's name!" "That was long..." I mumbled.

"Well. Lizzy, someone I know, lives... a few kilometres from my house. Bai!" I quickly ran behind a tree. "A few kilometres from your house... wait from where? Skylar? Dang, where did she go?"

Will I see him in class? || Hmmm... I don't know Joles seem desperate to find his mother tho -Silver || Obviously he is. Do you know how attached werewolves are to their parents? Knowing that they are alive after years of believing she's dead is tough ya know? -Snow || Do I look like a werewolf? -Silver || Shut it. When did I say you guys could interrupt my thinking?! || Sorry. -Silver and Snow || Ya better be.

I walked to school to notice nobody was here yet. Weird... NOT! It was 5 minute till everyone was late. Basically class hasn't started yet and nobody gives a damn for class. Am I exaggerating? I hope not...

I was about to zone off when the bell rang. Well, I guess he didn't come.

The week passed by very very fast. Nothing weird was happening but I believe that it is too good to be true so I was still preparing myself. I was trying to prepare myself but it was hard since I didn't want to make anyone worry.

Stupid right? Yea I know. But this is how I am... I'm proud but not at the same time. I practised in my training room but since we were in a small house near a freaking forest. The training room was not that big. (A/N sorry to those who thought of a freaking gigantic training room when I said there was one in Chappy 2)

It was just a normal day at school... Yea right... well, it was...

-Time rewind brought to you by the author abusing the ability of an author-

I was walking to school. Yea I know shocking I'm walking! GASPS. As I was saying... I was walking to school with my legs and I reached a little later than usual since I walked.

I walked into the classroom and there were a little people that were there... mostly cough nerds cough. And I none of them saw me cause they were too into their book. I saw the title of the book and thought 'Oh that's a good book!'

I sat back at my usual spot but then stopped when I noticed something was on it. I picked the thing up and noticed it was a note by an anonymous person. I was curious and decided to open it.

The note said, "Meet me at the park at 10 after school. I hope to see you there."

Who in the world would go somewhere when being instructed to? If this person expects me to go then I think he/she is living in a book or something. (Wait I am... Skylar! Go back to the damn story!)

I flipped the card back and a normal person wouldn't have seen it but damn me being a vampire and werewolf with insane sight saw it.

It read, "Go there or else... I might have to leak out your true identity... don't want that being known now do we?"

That's two suspects on my list of people who wrote this, Antonio and Uncle. Well, it's obviously not Antonio since why would he write this just to talk to me. I mean we live together. So... there's only one person left, Uncle.

Uncle, why are you always trouble? The day passed slower then I expected it to be.

First, somebody spilt their HOT soup on me and I had to rush out before it healed. Secondly, I bumped into Brittney and she accused me of making her designer shirt wet. Thirdly, people noticed my existence because of HER and whatever was happening.

The day couldn't be any worse is what I would have thought but I remembered the note... Yep, it could be. What have I gotten myself into?

Finally, school had ended and I waited at home till it was 10. When it was 10 I went to the park and waited for my uncle. And guess what? He showed up. Yeah, that's one but he came in his actual body!

I had known him since I saw his picture that day... and yea... he said he didn't want to cause a commotion her at the park so he brought me to his house and I was being dragged so I couldn't escape.

I wonder what the people are thinking when they are seeing this. "In a time like this you think those thoughts?" my uncle teased. "I didn't know you could read minds but, I prefer my privacy thank you." "I'm in my body now so yea!"

We had finally reached his house and he started rambling about how his family was a happy one then one day my mother came and blah blah blah. I tuned him out until he threw a frickin sword at me. Well at least I caught it or I could have died.

"What's this for?" "I just wanted your attention!" he said cheerfully. "Nice way to get attention." "Thank you!"

"Why are you so cheerful? It's killing me." "I'm sorry." "Seriously you look older but you still act like a child. Now, why did you bring me here?" "Just for-" before he can continue the door was knocked down.


Hope you likey this chappy! Bai! ^-^

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