Chapter 8

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Skylar's POV

-Time Skip-

Finally, school ended. But... Lucas and his friends... I don't have a good feeling about it...

I was taking my time walking back from school. When I felt somebody following me. I turned around to see Joles. Huh. I wonder why he is following me.

"Hi... I'm Joles! I know my name sounds weird but I didn't name myself, my parents did. And if you are asking where my parents are they are overseas and I visit them once a while."

"I didn't even say any-"

"I hope you don't mistake me for following you like a creep. I am just going to the house of a friend of mine."


"Please tell me more about yourself."

"Yea... I'll be going my way now."

"Oh come on. It's boring, isn't it? I mean I ain't a creep or anything."


"Hey. Come on tell me about yourself. I haven't seen you before. Well most likely I just moved here so yea." he said again trying to get me to talk

"I see."

"Hey. You're so boring."

I stopped walking and Joles stopped too.

"I hope you do know that there is only one apartment further on and if you are sure this is the right path you might need to take the right turn."

Joles "No. I am sure that straight is the right way."


Joles "So you first."

I continued walking straight.

Joles "Wait you live up ahead? I thought you lived there." pointing to the right turn.

"No. I live ahead. I think the friend you are talking about has moved away."

Joles "Oh it's ok. I'll be going."

Joles's POV

Huh. I didn't know Skylar moved. Oh, wait I didn't ask for her name. But for sure she isn't Skylar, she looks nothing like her. || Hey! I can't believe you are still thinkin about her. You said you forgot about her every time I bring it up. I can't believe I believed you. -Josh || Shut up. I wasn't talking to you. I was just thinking. || Well then stop thinking so loudly. -Josh || Shut up.

Skylar's POV

Finally. Home Sweet Home... but homework.

I took out my homework and started doing it.

"You're such a good girl. Listening to teachers... and doing your homework."


"You caught me. Why are you here anyways, I thought this was Antonio's house."

"I came to visit."

"And why would you do that."

"I left something here but Antonio takes to long to come back so I decided to do my homework first."

"Huh. I see."

"Yea. Now if you don't mind me I shall continue my homework."

Lucas's POV

This is getting boring... Wait a minute how did she get in!

"Wait how did you come in anyways."

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