Chapter 2

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"Willow!" I scream.

I quickly run over to her and cradle her head in my arms, not caring that I'm getting blood all over me.

"I'll call the ambulance." A woman tells me.

I ignore her and look at Willow. She looks at me as tears fall down her face.

"Prim?" She whispers. Her eyes suddenly close.

I kiss her forehead. "I'm so sorry Willow. This is all my fault."

The ambulance arrives and they lift Willow onto the gurney. I sit next to her in the ambulance, holding her hand. Once we get to the hospital, Willow is wheeled away. I call Katniss and Peeta. They're there in minutes with Liz by their side.

"What happened?" Katniss asks. Peeta's eyes widen as he sees the blood on my hands.

"It's all my fault." I sob against Katniss. "I was watching her the whole time, but I turned away for a second to look at a butterfly, and then she fell."

"It's not your fault. She's a toddler. Just be careful next time. Willow will be okay." She assures me, though I don't believe her because tears are forming in her eyes.

We all take a seat in the waiting room. After 3 hours, the doctor comes out.

"Willow cut her forehead, but it wasn't too deep. She needed stitches, and lost some blood. Willow also has a few cuts on her arms, but they aren't too major. You can take her home tomorrow."

He leads us towards Willow's room. When we walk in, she's sitting up and eating apple sauce.

"Prim! " She squeals.

I run over to her and carefully give her a hug, trying not to hurt her.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

Willow looks at me and smiles, patting my cheek as if she understands. I giggle and let Katniss and Peeta talk to her. When it's time to leave, I insist on staying with Willow, since I did cause her accident. I sleep on the bed next to her, and she repeatedly says my name over and over again.

"Prim. Prim. Prim. Prim. Prim. Prim!" She squeals.

I chuckle and give her a hug. She's so cute.


When I wake up, Willow is still sleeping. When she wakes up a few hours later doctors come in and check up on her. In an hour or so, after Willow's eaten and the papers are signed, she's free to leave. I carry her to the car where I am met by Katniss and Peeta. They shower her with hugs and kisses. When we get home, there's a pink cake sitting in the kitchen. Willow squeals and jumps out of my arms. She sits on the table and waits for her cake. She loves sweets. Katniss gives her a small piece and she devours it in two seconds.

"More please!" Willow giggles.

Everyone laughs as she gets another slice. Soon we're all eating the cake. It's a chocolate one that Peeta made. I still feel guilty about Willow's accident, but it's in the past. And Willow doesn't seem to think that it's my fault. Though I can still see a small scar on her forehead, and that will forever remind me of my carelessness.


I hope that you liked it! I know that these are boring, but they'll get interesting soon! I'll update later today. Remember to vote and comment!

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