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We moved back to District 12 after a few months. When I asked about Rory, someone told me that he died while trying to get everyone out of 12 when it was bombed. I was heartbroken, but decided to just stay with Katniss and help her take care of the kids. I got a job at the hospital as a doctor that helps children, and they all love me. Liz got married and had twins; a girl and a boy. I was very happy for her, yet sad that she moved out. Liz lives right next door, though. Every once in a while, one of the kids wake up screaming from a nightmare about the Capitol. It makes me want to cry. I'm just glad that Katniss, Peeta, and I are there to comfort them. I'm always thinking that someone from Liz's family is going to appear and start the Hunger Games all over again, but Layla kisses my cheek and tells me that everything will be okay. And, as Katniss still loves to say,

There are worse games to play.


OMG😭😭😭 That's the last chapter😖 thank you for reading my story, and for all of the active readers that give me ideas or leave me nice comments and vote for my story. I never thought that I would get so many reads😄 please comment down below if you want me to write another story. And please tell me what I should write about. I have an idea, but I don't think it's very good. Should I write another fanfic or something? I love you all💕

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