Chapter 9

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The cheering of the Capitol makes me want to throw up. I'm sick of them. Some citizens still have the strange outfits and hair on, but most of them actually look normal for once. The train doors open and I can hear everyone shouting our names. Mostly Willow and mine's. Once we get through the screaming, Effie leads Willow and Connor to the room where all of the tributes are prepped. Haymitch and I stay outside, and he starts whispering to me over the screams.

"We're getting them out on the third day of the games." Haymitch explains.

I nod, waiting for more information.

"Katniss and Peeta and already packing. They're taking the kids on the second day, with Liz. You are coming with me on the second day in the middle of the night."

"Okay." I whisper.

Effie comes out a few minutes later.

"Let's go." She says.

We walk back inside and head over to the tribute center and step onto the elevator. Once we get to the room I sit on the couch and take out the locket from Liz. Hope Willow kept hers. I open mine and see it unfold into about five different images. The first one is of Katniss and Peeta, laughing at each other. The second is of Liz and I, smiling with an arm around each other. The third is of Willow, with her long brown hair flowing down her back, and she's grinning at the camera. The fourth is Leo, looking up at the camera as he splashes in our kiddie pool, with water dripping down his face. And the last one, my absolute favorite, is of me and Layla. I'm holding her in my arms, and we're facing each other, laughing our heads off. Tears fill my eyes as I start to close the locket, but a slip of paper coming out from the photo of Liz and I catches my eye. I take it out and unfold it.

Dear Prim,

You might already be in the Capitol by now, but I just wanted to say good luck. I can't wait to see you again, I miss you so much. I'm helping Peeta and Katniss take care of the kids. I'll explain the president situation when we meet up again. Please burn this when you finish reading, I don't want anyone else to read it. Hopefully you liked the locket. I miss you!

Love, Liz."

I barely have time to think about the letter when Effie comes over to me.

"We're leaving to see the parade in an hour. Would you like some lunch?"

"Sure, but first, do you have any matches?"

Effie frowns.

"Of course, dear."

I follow her to the kitchen where an avox hands me the match. I walk over to the trash can, holding the piece of paper in my hand, and light the match. I watch the paper crumble, and a faint smell of vanilla reaches my nose. That's Liz's favorite scent.

I take a seat at the table and an avox serves me soup and bread. Afterwards Haymitch, Effie, and I go to the tribute parade. We stand near the exit, looking over at the tributes in the other entrance. I try to find Willow, and I finally spot her. She's stroking the horse while talking to Connor. Willow's long brown hair is down and most of it is on one side, with an orange flower crown. Her dress reaches down to her feet and the top is white, the middle is orange, and the bottom as black as coal. Her sleeves are white with coal dust patted on top. Her face looks just like Katniss; beautiful, yet also very powerful. Connor is wearing a similar outfit, but it doesn't have sleeves and a flower crown.

I suddenly hear a trumpet playing and the first chariot rolls out. I ignore most of them and start paying attention when District 11 comes. The little girl is wearing an outfit similar to Rue's. Once Willow comes out, a cloud of black smoke appears around her and Connor. I'm surprised that she's not coughing. I surely would've been. The crowd erupts in cheers. I give her a thumbs up and she grins. The president comes out and starts talking, but I ignore him. I could care less. Willow appears next to us and grins.

"I'm so proud!" I smile and ruffle her hair.

"My stylist said that someone named Cinna made it a while ago?"

My face falls.

"Are you okay Aunt Prim?" Willow asks.

I nod and Haymitch reassuringly pats my back.

Effie clears her throat. "Let's go, shall we?"

Once we get to our floor, Willow and Connor go change. After a filling dinner of pasta and garlic bread, (yum!) we watch tv. Caesar Flickerman is talking about the tribute parade.

"Everyone is impressed with District 12, but I'm not really suprised." He grins.

Effie tells Connor and Willow to go to bed afterwards, because they have a big day tomorrow, since they start training. I spend an hour quietly talking to Haymitch about our plan, and then I go to bed. That night, my dreams are actually peaceful.

I dream of a world without Alexander Snow.


😅 this was a bad chapter. I'm sorry. I have writers block😖 I'm taking as break tomorrow, but I'll update afterwards. Remember to vote and comment!

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