Chapter 19

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I can faintly hear people talking through all of the darkness.

"Mommy, will Auntie wake up?"

I hear a sniffle. "I hope so, Layla. "

My eyes slightly open, and I can barely make out Layla and Katniss, sitting in a chair. I open my eyes more and can clearly see where I am. The hospital.

"Katniss? Layla?" I croak.

"Prim!" Katniss kisses my cheek. "I was so worried."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Liz said that you fell and started bleeding a lot. You almost broken your arm, but it's just swollen right now. You were transferred to District 13 yesterday. Never do that again, Prim. You scared me to death."

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Almost a week." Her voice cracks. My eyes widen.

"Come here, Layla." Layla carefully crawls into my lap and I hold her.

"Are you okay, Auntie?" Layla stares at me.

"I'm fine. But Layla, what did the Capitol do to you?" I ask.

Tears fill her eyes. "They locked me in a cold room. I heard people screaming and crying. They didn't give me anything to eat. Then they put me outside with these other kids."

"Well, the president is gone now." I kiss her cheek.

"What?" Katniss's eyes widen.

"Paylor's sister killed him." I grin.


A nurse walks in and checks my blood pressure and the other stuff, then says that I'm free to go. I slip on the District 13 clothes and head down the hallway where I am met by Willow, Leo, and Peeta.

"Aunt Prim!" Willow hugs me, carefully not touching my hurt arm.

"I missed you. But you caused a lot of trouble." I poke her stomach.

"But it was for a good reason." Her smile fades.

"I know." I pause. "I met Audrey's mother. She's very nice. "


"Yes. Let's go look for them."

I head down the hallway with Willow and see Audrey's mother talking to her son. Audrey stands by her side, holding Madison's hand. I walk over to Madison and notice that she doesn't have a mask over her mouth.

"What happened to your mask?" I ask.

"They cured me!" She exclaims and gives me a hug.

I grin and introduce Willow to Audrey's mother, who wraps her arms around Willow. Willow talks to Audrey and Madison while I chat with her mother.

"So, are you heading back home?" I ask.

"Yes. In an hour, actually." Audrey's mother gestures to the small bags in her hand.

"Oh. That's great."

She smiles warmly at me. "Well, we'd better get going. I need to pack a few more things." She gives me a hug.

I smile and hug Audrey and Madison.

"Thank you." Audrey tells Willow and I.

"Your welcome." Willow replies as they hug each other.

"Bye!" Audrey calls as she walks away.

"I'm gonna miss her." Willow leans against me.

"Me too."


After Audrey and her family leaves, I go to a meeting with the other victors and the president of 13.

"Ah, come sit, Ms. Everdeen. We have some great news."

I take a seat next to Johanna as the president continues to talk.

"We've been thinking...and...we want you to be the president of Panem!"

My eyes widen. Everyone is smiling at me. After thinking about it for a bit, I make up my mind.

"I'm sorry, but I can't accept this. It's too big a responsibility. You should pick another person. I'm really sorry." I say.

I can see the disappointment in his eyes. "Okay, if you're sure. Do you have any idea who the president should be?"

"Yes...Plutarch Heavensbee." (I probs spelled that wrong lol)

Everyone exchanges a few glances. Then the president finally looks at me.

"Okay." He sighs. I watch him write something down on a piece of paper.

"You are all dismissed. Thank you."


I stay in a huge compartment with Peeta, Katniss, and the kids. As soon as I fall asleep I'm awaken by a scream. I look over and see Layla, clutching her teddy bear. I gently pick her up and hold her until she falls back asleep. Then I lay down next to Layla, falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.


I was feeling lazy so sorry if this chapter is bad! The next chapter is the last one omg😭 remember to vote and comment below if u want me to write something else, and tell me what I should write!

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