Chapter 6

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"Layla Rose Mellark! Come back here!" I yell.

My niece giggles as she runs around the house with my sandwich. She trips on the carpet and the sandwich splatters not only on the carpet, but on her, too. Layla starts to cry. I walk over to her and wipe away her tears. She hugs me and I stroke her soft blond hair.

After Katniss's son, Leo, was born, she had Layla 6 years later. Leo is 11 years old, Layla is 5, and Willow is 12. I'm 25 years old, and finished school a few years ago. I'm going to get a job before I move out. I'm still living with Katniss, but I recently got engaged with Rory Hawthorne, Katniss's friend Gale's little brother. (AN- don't judge lol I didn't know who to pick.) We've known each since we were 5. Rory and I both lived in the seam. We're getting married in 6 months, since it takes a while to get everything together. Liz is also still living with us, but she's usually in her room, studying for college. She wants to become a doctor like me.

"Come on. Let's clean up before mommy gets home." I say softly.

"Okay." She replies.

Layla helps me wipe the peanut butter off of the carpet. Then I pick her up and give her a nice, warm bath. I put Layla into a pretty blue dress and braid her hair. By the time we're done, Katniss and Peeta are sitting in the living with Willow and Leo. Layla runs over to Peeta and he spins her around. I sit down next to Willow and stroke her hair as Katniss turns on the tv. Something is very strange, though, as I squint at the screen. Instead of President Paylor, a young man with blond hair and a devilish grin is sitting in her chair. He grins at the camera. Liz suddenly runs downstairs and shrieks at the sight of the man.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?" I ask her as tears stream down her face. The man on the tv starts speaking.

"Hello. My name is Alexander Snow, your new president."


I'm screaming, and suddenly everyone is sobbing, except for Layla, who keeps tugging at my sleeve and saying, "What's wrong Auntie Prim?" Which makes me sob even more.

Willow and Leo learned about the Hunger Games in school already, so they know what's happening. Thank goodness, Leo won't get picked because he's 11, but I'm worried about Willow. She's just barely eligible, since she turned 12 about a month ago.

I hug Willow very tightly as she cries.

"Maybe he won't say it?" Peeta winces as he tries to convince us.

I wipe my tears and watch our new 'President' continue to speak.

"As of now, the Hunger Games will continue." I start to cry again as he goes on. "If there are any remaining victors that have relatives that are eligible for the games, the relatives will be picked. No other rules have changed. The reaping will be in two days. That is all. Thank you."

I scream and throw the remote at the tv. The glass shatters.

"I'm sorry, Katniss." I sob.

"It's not your fault." She whispers as I wrap my arms around her.

Willow starts to cry. Poor thing. If it weren't for me and the whole rebellion thing, this wouldn't even be happening. Layla starts to cry, too, even though she doesn't know what's going on. Peeta hugs Willow as she sobs against his chest.

"What's wrong, Auntie?" Layla continues to tug on my shirt.

I lean down and look into her crystal gray eyes that resemble her brother's.

"I'll tell you later." I hug her tightly. "Let's go to bed."

I pick up Layla and carry her to her bedroom, which is decorated with purple flowers. As I tuck her in, she looks at me and says, "Don't worry Auntie Prim. Everything will be okay."

I just wish that were true.


Sorry this was short! Remember to vote and comment!

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