Chapter 4

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I'm putting Willow some homemade applesauce into a bowl when I hear the telephone ring.

"I'll get it!" I yell.

I pick up the phone and look at the bright green screen. It says unknown number.

"Hello?" I ask uncertainly.

"Prim? Is that you?" A familiar voice asks.


"Oh, I've missed you so much! I'm coming to visit next week on my break. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

Willow starts to scream for her applesauce.

"Is that Willow? How is she?"

"Oh, Willow's fine. She's learning a lot."

"What about you? How's school?"

I was pretty smart in school, so when I came back to District 12, they said that I don't have to finish the rest since I was in all of the advanced classes. Now I'm in medical school, because I used to help my mother in the Seam, and I've learned to love it.

"Oh, it's-" I'm interrupted by Willow's screaming again. Katniss rushes in and sees me on the phone.

"Who is it?" She asks.

"Mom." I mouth.

Katniss grins and takes the phone away from me. She then runs upstairs. I continue to pour Willow her applesauce. Once I give it to her she shovels it down her throat.

"Woah, Willow. Calm down. You're gonna choke."

"Toke?" She asks.

"Choke." I correct her. "If you eat too fast, it's gonna get stuck over here." I point to my throat.

"And you won't breath." I finish.

Her eyes widen and she takes a small sip of juice.

"Sowy." Willow says.

"It's not your fault." I say and then grin. "You wanna go play?"

She nods and starts to wiggle out of the high chair. I lift her up and just as I put her down Katniss runs into the kitchen.

"Mom is coming over to visit." She says.

"I know. Did you tell her that you're pregnant?"

"No. I will when I see her, though."

"You have to tell her." I say.

"I know. I'm also inviting the others."


"Haymitch, Johanna, Finnick, Annie, Beetee, Mags, and Effie." (AN: I hope I didn't miss anyone lol)

"We haven't seen them in forever. Willow's gonna love Thalia and Jason (AN- see what I did there😂) ." I exclaim.

Thalia and Jason are Finnick and Annie's children. Thalia is four years old and has Annie's red hair, while Jason is two and has Finnick's bronze hair.

"Prim!" Willow tugs on my arm.

"Go ahead." Katniss laughs.

I run with Willow to her playroom. She grabs her teddy bear and hugs it tightly.

"Let's go outside." I say as I grab her bouncy ball. We run outside and I throw the ball to Willow.

Willow claps and jumps onto me. I carry her on my shoulders as we run around the yard. After a few minutes of running, we lay down on the grass, dazed. Then Willow jumps up and points to a car turning around the corner.

"Daddy!" She screams.

I look into the car and see Peeta, pulling up into the driveway. He grabs a bag as he steps out of the car and I see Mellark Bakery engraved on it. I can smell the aroma of chocolate and cinnamon as it spreads through the air. Willow giggles and starts to run into his arms. Peeta lifts her up and hands her a cookie, which she devours in two seconds.

"Willow!" I narrow my eyes at her.

She starts to cough and I run over there as fast as I can. I pat her back and she spits out a big chunk of cookie.

"Sorry Prim." Willow cries.

I hug her tightly and motion for Peeta to go inside.

"It's okay. Let's go take a nap." She nods and let's me carry her to her crib.

I stare at her as she falls asleep, thinking about how there'll be two of them now. Twice the accidents, twice the cuteness, and twice the fun. A thought suddenly occurs to me. How are we supposed to tell them about the games, and that her own parents played a part in it? What would their reactions be? What if there is another Hunger Games? I fall asleep in the rocking chair, imagining a world without the cute, spunky girl known as Willow Mellark.


I have a feeling that this is gonna be a long book lol. And don't you love my Percy Jackson references? Heheheee lol anyways do any of you know how to do that thing where you do (actors name)as (characters name) In the story? Please tell me if you do! remember to vote and comment your thoughts and ideas!

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