Chapter 12

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We're anxiously waiting for the training scores to appear. Caesar Flickerman starts showing them after a few minutes. I ignore District one and only pay attention to Vanessa's. A 9 appears on the screen. Willow groans and I reassuringly pat her back. Thalia also gets a 9, Jason gets an 8, Audrey gets a 10, and then for Connor an 8 flashes on the screen. We clap and patiently wait for Willow's. After a few moments of silence, an eleven appears on the screen. Willow screams and I kiss her forehead. Everyone starts cheering.

"I'm so proud, Willow!" I exclaim.

That night, we all eat chocolate cake to celebrate. I go to sleep that night with hope that Willow will survive a lot longer than I expect her to.


It's time for the interviews. Connor steps into the living room, wearing a simple black tux with a red rose in the pocket and his hair groomed back. Willow soon follows, wearing a blue and white tie-dye dress that reaches to her ankles. Her hair is really curly and swept to one side, like it was in the tribute parade. She's wearing a bit of mascara but that's it, really.

"You look beautiful." I say and give her a tight hug.

"I'm nervous. What if I slip up?"

"You won't. Just remember what we talked about." I reassure her.

"Let's get going, we don't want to be late!" Effie chirps.

Once we get to the stage, Willow and Connor take their seats. Haymitch and I stand at the other end of the stage with the other mentors. I see Finnick and Annie talking to Johanna in the midst of the crowd. I run over to them and give them hugs. Caesar starts talking so we all glance over at him. Out of all the careers, I only pay attention to Vanessa. (I don't consider Thalia and Jason careers)

"So, how old are you, Vanessa?"

"14." Vanessa grins, showing off her bright white teeth.

"Which weapons are you good at?"

"I like using a bow and arrow, daggers, and I can fight with my hands." She replies.

"Do you have any connection to the games?" Caesar questions.

"Yes, actually. "My Aunt, Clove Sevina.(is it sevina?)" My eyes widen.

The audience gasps. Vanessa momentarily glares at me and then pretends to wipe away fake tears. The buzzer rings.

"That's all the time we have for Vanessa Fitzgerald!" Caesar exclaims.

"No wonder they have the same eyes. " I mutter.

"Don't forget attitude. And size." Finnick adds.

I softly punch him and he laughs. Everyone cries when Thalia and Jason appear, because they both have to go into the games.

I pay attention when Audrey appears. Her long, dirty blond hair is left alone, and she's wearing a lavender dress.

"What weapons are you interested in?"

"I'm very good with knives and I like to use daggers." Audrey answers.

"So. Any family back home?" Caesar asks.

"I have an older brother, Brandon, and my mother. And a little sister. Her name is Madison. We're very close, but she's really sick." Audrey quickly wipes her eyes.

"Oh. I'm very sorry. What about your father?"

"He's...dead." Audrey's lower lip quivers.

A few people in the audience start to sob.

"That's unfortunate." Caesar says gently. The buzzer goes off. "Well, that's all the time we have for Audrey Kohler. Wish the best of luck for her, and her sick sister Madison. "

I ignore the rest until it's just District 12. Connor jokes around a bit with Caesar, and then it's Willow's turn. I nervously tug on my shirt as she sits down.

"So, it's the famous Willow Mellark, daughter of Katniss and Peeta Mellark, niece of the legendary Primrose Everdeen." The audience laughs. "How are you, my dear."

Willow smiles. "I'm fine, Caesar. What about you?"

"I'm fine. So...we're all wondering, how did you get an eleven in your training session?"

Willow laughs. "I can't tell you."

"Aww man." The audience laughs. "Well, what weapons do you like?"

"I'm good with knives, daggers, the bow and arrow, and I'm okay with with swords."

"Are you close with your family?"

"Yes. We all love each other. My Aunt Prim treats us like her children."

I flash a grin and give Willow a thumbs up. She looks over and smiles.

"I see that your little sister, Layla, didn't want you to leave?"

"Yes, she's very attached to us. Especially Aunt Prim." Willow sadly smiles.

The buzzer suddenly goes off and Caesar stands up.

"Let's wish the best of luck to Willow Mellark!" Everyone cheers and Willow walks over to us.

"Good job!" I say and give her a hug.

As we're walking out someone grasps my arm. I turn around and, surprise, surprise, it's Vanessa. She glares at me and stands on her tiptoes to whisper in my ear.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt Willow. I'm just going to kill her."


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