"nice to meet you, too."

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Your p.o.v.
"Room 207, room 208, room 209.." I whispered in thpught to myself, "Ah, 215." I knocked cautiously on the classroom door, and waited for it to open. I was about 10 minutes late, I don't even know why I didn't ask Millie or Sadie for help finding this class.

A middle aged man (looking around 30-40) opened the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked in a raspy, grumpy voice.

"I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/LN." I said.

"Ah, yes. The new student," His voice lightened.

I guess that my new title now.

"Come in, I'm Mr. Ollie, by the way.
He moved away from the door, and I entered. About 40 students sat in paired desks, and all were starring at me, their eyes pierced my skin. I swallowed hard.

"Okay, this is our new student. Please welcome Y/N." Mr. Ollie said. "Please introduce yourself." He said.

"Uh, okay," I cleared by throat. "My name is Y/N, and I came here from Y/HT. And, uh, yeah.." I stopped and tried to rush to an empty seat when I caught a familar face.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast," Mr. Ollie warned, "I'm sure the class would like to know more about you. Why don't we bring out the hot seat?"

A wave of laughter went around the room, as Mr. Ollie went into his classroom closet, and pulled out a wooden chair.

"Sit." He tapped on the chair. I sat down nervously.

He looked at his watch. "Alright, class, you have one minute to ask Ms. Y/LN any questions, and she must answer, in three... two... one... Ask!"

This took me by surprise.

A hand shot up. "Um, yeah?"

"How was Y/HT?"

"Well, um, I guess it was okay. I didn't live there too long, so I font have very many memories of that place."

Another shot up. "Yes?"

"Do you have any friends?"

"Well.. I think I'm making some." I said, thinking of Millie and Sadie.

"What's your dream job?"

"I always dreamed of being an actress, actually.." My face turned red; I'd never said it aloud before. Acting was always one of my more quiet hobbies that I kept to myself.

"When did you move here?"

"Yesterday." I said.

"Wait really? How did you have time to get every thing read before attending school today?"

"Aaandd, times up!" Mr. Ollie announced. "Great talk, Y/N. Now go find an empty seat."

I was relieved that was over. Talk about being saved by the bell. I quickly took a seat, not caring about who I sat next to.

"So, an actress, huh?" A familiar voice asked from beside me.

I turned to my side to see Noah. He was, once again, smiling with his perfect smile and gorgeous brown eyes.

"Y-yeah.." I stammpered awkwardly, I was loss for words.

"That's pretty cool," He said, "I love acting, too. It's just so fun... full of suprises. Know what I mean?"

"Yeah, it's really amazing." I was getting more comfortable.

I enjoyed Noah's presence for the rest of class. We chatted about our favorite actors and actresses, and singers when Mr. Ollie gave us permission to talk to our partners about any topic in general. But soon, the bell rang, and I hurried off and out of the classroom to get a headstart on making it to my next class.

"Hey girl!" Millie ran up to me with Sadie following behind her.

"How was your first class?" Sadie asked.

"Great," I smiled, thinking about the hour I spent talking with Noah.

"Ooh, did you sit next to Schnipper?" Millie teased me.

"What?" I asked, rather confused.

"Noah. He has the same first period as you, doesn't he? I swore I saw him walk out of here.." Millie looked around, and Sadie continued to talk to me.

"Anyway, ready for your next class?" Sadie laughed.

"Barely," I sighed, and Sadie lmgsve a chuckle.

We walked to class while Millie complained about how exhausting school was, while I, on the other hand, had my mind on Noah. He seemed really nice, and we shared a bunch of the same interests. Thinking about him make me feel a strange, new feeling.

Noah's p.o.v
"Soo... Y/N, huh?" Finn teased me, playfully poking my shoulder.

"Yes-I mean no, I-"

"Aww, small little Noah has his first crush. How adorableee," Finn said in a baby voice, teasing me.

I just rolled his eyes and laughed. But, she did seem like a nice person, and we shared a ton of the same interests. Maybe it'd be a good idea to have a little hangout after school today to get to know her better.

Your p.o.v.
It was finally the end of the day, and Millie, Sadie, and I were putting some books back into our lockers, when Noah suddenly walked up to us.

"Oh, hey Schnipper." Millie greeted Noah as he approached us.

"Hey Millster," He greeted back, more enthusiasticly.

"What's up, Noah?" Sadie asked, closing her locker.

"Hey, Noah." I smiled at him, and he flashed his smile at me.

"Hey, so uh I as thinking and maybe maybe uh to welcome you, we should all have a small get together today uh afterschool. So, do you guys wanna
come?" He asked, nervously.

"Sure!" Millie said enthusiasticly.

"Why not?" Sadie said.

He smiled at them, then turned to me. "Are you in?"

"Sure!" I grinned, and Noah smiled back at me with his gorgeus smile.

"Wait, Sadie I forgot my pencil in Mrs. Webber's class, darn it. Let's go get it." Millie said after she studied Noah and I. They rushed behind a wall.

Noah laughed. "I doubt Millie would forget anything, she's almost never forgetful."

I laughed too.

"Well, I guess I'll see you soon, I gotta go get some snacks with Finn for the little after school get-together," Noah waved goodbye, and left.

Not even seconds after he left, Millie and Sadie came from behind the corner they ran behind.

"Awe! Y/N has a boyfrienddd!" Millie said in a sing-song voice.
My face flushed red. "It's not like that," I laughed nervously.

"Mhmm," Sadie laughed.
hi! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! please vote and comment, if you did :) -maddie

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