truth or dare

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Noah's p.o.v.
   We hurried out of the school, and rushed out to the hospital. I felt a sickly, worried feeling that made my stomach feel all weird, and my head ached. I didn't know what happened to Finn, but I prayed tha he'd be okay.

   The hospital wasn't too far from the school, so we got there not long after. We rushed in, and saw Finn's mother sitting in the waiting room, probably waiting for us.

   "Mrs. Wolfhard!" I called, and she looked up at us.

   I walked to her, and Jack followed. "So," I started, taking the seat next to hers. "Is.. Is Finn alright ?"

   "Fortunately, he's fine. He was on his way out of school, and a biker crashed into him. He crashed into him, and left." She said sounding worried.

   "But he's fine now, right?" Jack asked.

   "Yes, he just sprained his ankle, nothing too serious. I'm glad he hasn't hurt more seriously." Mrs. Wolfhard said, and Jack and I nodded in agreement. "He's currently getting checked by a doctor, and we'll be permitted to go in within a few minutes."

   And so, we sat in chairs in the waiting room, and waited for the doctor to come out and say "you can come in."

Your p.o.v.
   I had just seen Noah and Jack run out of the school together.

   Like, running out of the school. As if they were running a marathon, except they had worried looks on their faces.

   So, like, running a marathon they were losing.

   Something must be wrong. Horrible thoughts filled my brain as to what could've happened to someone. My first instinct was to call one of their closest and best friends to ask if they knew anything.

   I opened my contacts app, and scrolled through my contacts. It didn't take much time to find the one I was looking for because, you know, I don't have friends and all.

   I facetimed them, and stared at my face as my phone rang, indicating I was facetiming someone, and waiting for their response.

   "What's uppp?" Finn said as he answered the phone.

   "Oh, hey, Finn. So listen I was just standing here on campus, and I just saw-" I stopped. "Woah, Finn where are you?" I started to notice he was in a hospital gown, and the background looked like a hospital room.

   "Oh," Finn said, glancing around as if he'd forgotten where he'd been, "The hospital."

   "What?!" I exclaimed. "The hospital? Why? What happened?"

   "Well, I mean, it's a long story, but-" he stopped and I heard a door click, and started to open. "Oh, hey guys, what's up?" Finn greeted.

   " 'What's up'? Is that all you can say?" Asked Noah.

   "Noah?" I said, hoping he'd hear me. "Is Noah there?"

   "Yeah, I'm here." He came toward Finn and Finn handed him the phone. "What's up?"

   "What do you mean what's up? How come I didn't know Finn was in the hospital? I'm a friend of Finn too, you know."

   "Sorry about that," Noah said. 'Finn's mom just called Jack and told him, so we just ran here." I heard the tiredness in Noah's voice.

   "Alright, well I'm on my way now." I said. "Ask what kind of snacks Finn wants."

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