"wanna be partners?"

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Your p.o.v
   Millie and I walked to class together, but parted ways when we reached her class, and I reached mine. I sat down on my desk I sat in yesterday, and waited and looked around for Noah.
   Just before the bell, Noah came running in, and he sat down in the seat next to mine.
   "Hey." He smiled.
   "Hey." I laughed.
   Mr. Ollie came out of his storage closet, where he stored his supplies and stuff, right as the bell rang. He looked pretty excited about something. He said his greetings, and then started talking about a project we were gonna have.
   "So, you guys will be having a big project that will be worth a good amount of all of your guys' first grades of the year." He said as everyone groaned, but he didn't care, and kept talking.
   "We will each be choosing a partner to do a scene from... Romeo and Juliet!" People groaned, some sighed, others were excited.
   "So you all may choose a partner, choose one to be Romeo, and one to be Juliet. I will assign a scene to each pair of parteners."
   People got up to go find a partner, while I, on the other hand, stayed put. I didn't really know anyone except Noah, but he'd probably not wanna be parteners with me.
   "Hey, Y/N. Do you wanna be parteners?" I looked up and saw Jack. Noah looked over at Jack also.
   "Uh, Jack? I didn't know you had first period here."
   "Well, I just transferred this morning." He said. "So, about the partner thing?"
   "Uh, s--" I started, but Mr. Ollie started talking.
   "Alright, does anyone have a partner?" Everyone nodded yes except Noah, Jack, and me.
   "Alright let's see. Noah, you can be parteners with Y/N, and Jack... I guess you'll have to do a scene with just Romeo by himself."
   Jack nodded, looked at Noah, then me, then sat in his desk.
   "I will begin passing out scripts now. Decide who will be Romeo, who will be Juliet."
   Noah and I turned to each other. "So, who do you wanna be?" I asked him.
   "I'll be Romeo." He did a fake bow, and laughed, and I did too.
   Mr. Ollie handed us a script, and we read over it.
   The bell suddenly rang not long after he said that. I packed my bag up, and put the script in, and left to go to second period.


   It was time for lunch. I headed to the cafeteria, got my lunch tray, and walked down the mini aisle to find a table.
   As I walked, something on the ground moved, and my clumsy feet tripped over it, sending me to the ground, and my lunch tray flying into the air, and then onto me.
   I sat there, coverd in mash potatoes, and canned fruit, while it went silent for a moment, then all eyes were on me. Some giggled, some snickered. I quickly realized I was on the floor, and tried to get up, but I couldn't. My foot wouldn't move. It hurt to try to get up, my eyes began to sting from teats.
   "Y/N!" Someone called from a few tables away. They ran over to me. "Y/N, are you alright?" I was sure it was Noah. His worried voice familar, and i rememberd it from yesterday, even through tears.
   "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said.
   "You sure?" Noah asked.
   "Yeah," I said, grabbing my lunch tray from the floor, and placing the half-empty milk carton on, and picked up what I could of the lunch I had spilled.
   "C'mon, let's get you cleaned up." Noah said, and gave me a hand to get up. I stared at it for a moment, then I grabbed it, and tried to get up using my other leg, that didn't hurt when I tried to get up. We left the cafeteria, and I realized, everyone was silent as we did.
   As we walked, Noah asked me, "Are you really okay?"
   "Yes," I said.
   "You sure?" He asked me again, now making eye contact with me. Our eyes locked, and I felt a comfortable, safe feeling just looking into his eyes.
   "Y-yeah. I'm okay."
   "Then why are you limping?" He asked.
   I paused for a moment. "My ankle just hurts a little, that's all." I shrugged.
   He led me to a room in the nurses office. He brought out a chair, and a few paper towels to wipe myself down.
   He went into the mini freezer, and got out a bag of ice, and handed it to me.
   "Here," he said, "Take this."
   "Thanks," I said.
   "Does your ankle have any immense pain in a particular spot at all?"
   "No, not really. Only a little, when I try to get up." I admitted. "But look, I'm fine!" I tried to get up, and pain shot through my foot, and I fell back, but Noah caught me.
   "Mhm, fine?" He raised an eyebrows at me.
   I realized I was in his arms. We locked eyes, then he smiled at me, and helped me back to my chair.
   "Just a little clumbsy, is all." I flashed him a semi-smile, and blushed a bit. He gave me a warm and comfortable smile, that made me feel weak in the knees.
   "How did you trip? Did you slip or something?" He asked me.
   "I don't even know, it's like, I tripped over air, or something. One second the thing I tripped over wasn't there, the next second, it was, then it wasn't."
   "You're a clutz, aren't you?" Noah laughed.
   "Sometimes," I laughed.
   "Here, can I check your ankle?" He asked me, and I nodded.
   He examined it for a while, then finally said "I think it might be a little sprained is all. I'll wrap it with some compression wrap."
   He got some wrap out of a bin, and wrapped my ankle. "There," he said, fastening the strap.
   "Well, look at you, Dr. Noah. Who knew you were such a doctor?"
   "I prefer to go by Dr. Schnapp." He joked, and we laughed together.
i rlly hope you all enjoyed this chapter djaksja i tried :'). i hope you found the little scenes between you & noah cute :). & get ready for more cute scenes bc there's more to come ;). anyway, pls vote and comment some feedback! bye!💛 - maddie.

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