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Your p.o.v
After a while, the real nurse came in and examined my foot. She said it was fine, I probably just bruised it a little, otherwise it was fine. The nurse wrote passes for us to go back to class, since the lunch bell had already rang a while ago.
Luckily, Noah and I had the same period next, so we walked to class together, and crept in once we got there, careful not to disturb the lesson.


Finally, school ended. I was exhausted and excited to get home to rest. I dialed my mom's phone number to call her.
It went straight to voicemail, and I remembered; she always turns her phone off when she has meetings. She even told me this morning she was having a meeting today.
I stood there, staring at my phone as it went to voicemail, then someone from behind me tapped my shoulder, and I turned around.
"Y/N?" It was Finn.
"Hey, Finn." I said, and gave him a semi-smile.
"You don't look too well. Is your mom coming to bring you home to rest?" He asked. "I heard about the accident in the cafeteria."
"Um, my mom actually has a meeting, so I think I'm gonna have to walk home today." I told him.
Finn looked at me. "Are you kidding? You're walking home on a hurt ankle?" He raised an eyebrow at me.
"I guess so," I said. "And it's just bruised, the nurse said it was okay."
"I don't think so. That nurse has never been a good one. C'mon, I'll give you a ride home." He smiled.
"What?" I asked, dumbfoundedly.
"Well, don't you need a ride home?" He asked.
"Well, if you're not busy and you don't mind, then sure." I smiled, and he smiled back. Finn and I got into his backseat. He asked his mom, and she agreed to take me home. During the car ride, Finn and I talked. We didn't just talk, we talked just like old friends reuniting again. We had so many things to talk about, the car ride felt like only a few minutes. I was surprised how much Finn and I had in common. And his mother was very friendly also.
"I guess I'll see you, then." Finn said as we arrived at my house, and I unbuckled myself.
"Yup. See you tomorrow." I said. "And thank you, again. For the car ride." I thanked both Finn and his mom.
I walked inside my house, and grabbed something to eat. I remembered I hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast, considering that whole lunch accident.
I suddenly got a call on my phone from a random number, and I answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Yes?" I asked again.
"It's me. Noah."
My heart fluttered a little. "Oh, hey, Noah!" I said.
"Hey, Y/N." he said, and I could hear him smiling with the way he spoke, the tone he spoke in.
"How did you get my number?" I asked suddenly.
"Millie gave it to me," he answered me. "I hope you don't mind."
"No, no of course. Call me anytime-- I mean you can call me anytime. I don't really mind-- but I like talking to you--" I stuttered, and sighed. I'm the most awkward person ever.
Noah chuckled. "Great. And I wanted to ask you something," Noah said. I could tell he was shy from the way he talked, in the low tone he used, and the nervous voice he used.
"What is it?" I asked. My heartbeat quickened.
"W-would you... like to... hang out with me? And Finn?" He asked me.
For a second there, my heartbeat slowly went slightly back to normal. I was a little bummed Noah didn't ask for just the two of us to hang out. But I was happy Noah asked me to hang out at all. And Finn was pretty cool, and I'm sure it'd be fun with him. "Sure, Noah. When?" I asked.
"Oh... um... How's this Saturday? Uh, Finn and I are going hiking over at a trail not too far from here. Would you like to come along?"
I smiled. "Sure, that sounds fun."
"Great! I'll come pick you up tomorrow. See you then."

Noah's p.o.v
I got off the phone in a really great mood. I called Finn right after.
"Finn?" I asked.
"What's up, Noah?"
"Are you free tomorrow?" I asked hopefully.
"Mm, probably. Why?" He replied.
"Um, I kinda made plans for you and me... and Y/N, tomorrow." I answered nervously after a pause.
"Wait, what? Why?" He asked.
"Well, I wanted to invite Y/N to go hiking with me tomorrow, but your name just... I don't know, it just slipped into my mouth." I shrugged.
Finn sighed. "Fine, but you owe me, Noah." He said. "I'm missing a video game session with Wyatt for you."
"There's a dessert shop near the hiking trail." I told him, knowing Finn loved desserts.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming."
"Great," I thanked him. "I'll see you tomorrow."
I was really looking forward to tomorrow.
hey! sorry it took so long for me to publish this! i've been busy, but i'll try to upload more :). sorry this was so short! i'll make the chapters longer & m ore interesting :)).
& i wanted to know, should i make an instagram acc to show updates for my stories? let me know & comment! ty for reading! vote & comment! - maddie💓💓.

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