chapter 21

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Your p.o.v.
   I made my way out of the bathroom, my hand with my phone in a tight grip, tightly clutching my phone, and my other in a clenched fist; I was angry at Kyla. The fact that she had the nerve to say all of those things to me based off of a suspicion that I was interested in Noah made me furious.

   I finally realized that I reached the main doorway to the living room, and I had barely cooled off. I took a few deep breaths, practiced a smile, and walked in, as heads turned toward me and voices stopped.

   "There you are," Sadie said as I came to sit down. "What happened to you? Kyla said she'd come check on you."

   "Nothing happened," I forced a laugh, and looked around the room. "I just got a little lost, even with directions." Okay, that sounded dumb. How do you un-say something?

   "And yes, she did come." For a second, I considered telling everything that happened and everything Kyla said to me, but I figured, how could I explain the fact that I was in the bathroom, trying to cool down when Kyla came, picked the lock, and told me to back off of Noah?

   A phone in the room vibrated, indicating someone had a notification. I looked over to see it'd been Noah's phone. He picked his phone up, and stared at it for a while before turning it off again. "Where is Kyla?" Noah asked, with a feeling of worry lingering in his tone.

   I looked up at him, and I felt a strange feeling in my stomach. I guess they both cared about and liked each other. "Uh-- she's in the bathroom, freshening up."

   Noah shoved his phone in his pocket, and stood up. "I'll be back, I'm gonna go somewhere."

Noah's p.o.v.
   I made my way to the living room entrance, when someone came from the side of the doorway.

   Kyla stood in front of me. "Noah," She smiled with her usual, friendly and bright smile. "I was just freshening up." She tucked a piece of loose hair behind her ear.

   I stared at her, looking in her brown eyes. After a few seconds, her smile started to fade away, and after a few more seconds, she began to break eye contact, and dart her eyes away. I
knew she tended to do this when she was uncomfortable.

   "I need to talk to you later," I whispered into her ear so nobody heard. "Let's sit." I started to walk back to the couch, and a few seconds later, I heard Kyla's footsteps following behind me.

Your p.o.v.
   Noah and Kyla came to sit down  the couch, and Caleb got out some Post-It notes, along with a few pens.

   "What's with all that?" Gaten asked, eyeing the stationery.

   Caleb smiled mysteriously. "I have a game, but we'll wait until everyone is back."

   Everyone? I looked around the room and at the couches, and studied everyone to see who was missing.

   Finally, my eyes fell on an small, empty space on the couch beside Wyatt; Jack wasn't sitting there.

   I peered around the room, wondering where he'd gone. I didn't see him when I'd left, or when I was walking back, I thought.

   As if on cue, Jack strolled in from the living room entrance, his hands tucked into his pockets, and his gaze to the floor. Suddenly, his eyes moved from the floor, to me. I felt my heartbeat pickup as his gaze flickered toward me. What the heck is up with me?

   Jack came to his spot, and sat down as he broke the eye contact between the two of us . As he looked away, I realized that I was holding my breath the whole time. Okay, what the heck is up with me?

   "I'm back," Jack said. "Now, what game are you having us play, Caleb?"

   "Oh gosh, please don't be another Truth or Dare." Sadie sighed.

   "It's not," Caleb made a motion as if waving away Sadie's words. "I'm much more creative than to play such a common game." He leaned forward to pick the Post-It notes up. He took one, and passed it around. "It's called, Tell a Secret. We all write down an anonymous secret on this piece of paper. It can be anything from a deep, dark secret from the bottom of your soul," He deepend his voice at this, "Or, just a plain, simple one. The game is much more fun if you tell a big one, though."

   "Is that all?" Gaten asked, receiving his pen.

   "We all put them in this hat, and draw them out. You'll have to guess who's secret you have. If you know or have an idea of who's secret you have, you can ask them. There's no time limit, you can take as much time as you need. The only rule is, is someone asks if a secret is yours, you have to be honest."

   "Are you kidding?" Jack asked, sounding taken aback. "Why would I write down a secret for the sake of a game?"

   Caleb thought for a moment, then shrugged. "For fun? And also, it's not 100% that the person will guess they have your secret, anyway."

   As everyone received their Post-It notes and pens, they began to write down their secrets while I sat with an empty mind as blank as my paper. What secret should I write, anyway? I don't even think I have any big, deep, dark secrets nobody knows, anyway. My mind wandered and thought about something I could write.

   Everyone started finishing writing their secret down and putting them into the hat, while I, meanwhile, had no idea as to what to write down. Finally when everyone, except me, had theirs in the hat, I panicked, and quickly scribbled something down, and dropped it into the hat.

   "Okay," Caleb said, picking the hat up and moving it around in a circular motion mixing up the notes in the hat.  He stuck his hand in the hat, and pulled a note out, while passing the hat on.

   When I received the hat, I carefully put my hand in, moving it around, and my hand met a piece of paper. I slowly pulled it out and passed the hat on. I unfolded the Post-It note.

   My eyes met some familar, yet unfamiliar words on the paper in a neat, medium-sized font. The words on the paper seemed to be in a different language. It read, 'Je pense que je suis amoureux.' I stared hard at the note in thought. Why did these words seem so familar, yet I don't even know what this says? Did anyone in this room know more than one language?

   Curiosity filled me, as I began wondering who's secret I held. I studied everyone in the room to see if I suspected anyone yet. This was going to take a long time to find out who's this is.

   Suddenly, the doorbell rang loudly, breaking the slight silence that lingered in the room.

   Finn got up. "That must be the pizza I ordered," he started to walk toward the door.

   "You ordered pizza? I thought all of these snacks were enough already!" Millie asked, surprised.

   "Of course! Even if we are full, who wouldn't make room for pizza?"He opened the door, took the pizza box, and handed the person at the door some cash.

A/N: hi! i hope you all enjoyed reading this chapter. thank you all for 10k reads! <3

please vote & comment! it'd mean a lot to me :)

thank you for reading! -maddie

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